"Nope, just done my segment with Flair, finished for the night."

"Oh right.", I nodded. "Look I've gotta get back to work, I'll see you later, okay?"

Randy nodded. "Alright. See you later?", he asked.

I nodded, kissing him on the cheek. "Yes, later.", I replied before walking away.


Having the confirmation that I was no longer needed for the night, I decided to pack up and head back to the hotel, since there was nothing better for me to do.

I headed down the corridors, bags in tow.

"Here, let me get that for you.", a voice spoke from beside me, taking the bag off of my shoulder.

I looked back to see Christian, small smile apparent on his face.

"Oh, thanks Christian.", I smiled, thankful that he had decided to help, they felt even heavier since I was tired.

"No problem, Mel.", he replied, walking alongside me.

We walked out to the parking lot in silence, placing the bags in the boot of the car.

"Once again, thanks."

"You're welcome.", he shrugged as he placed his hands in his pockets. "How are you anyway?"

"I'm okay, yourself?", I asked.

To be honest, I haven't really spoken to Christian since two weeks ago, when Randy didn't seem too happy when he saw Christian the last time. So I decided to just steer clear of him altogether, well until tonight that is.

"I'm good thankyou.", Christian smiled. "No Orton?", he questioned raising a brow.

"Nope.", I shook my head. "He already headed on back, he was done for the night awhile ago."

"Oh yeah, he was on before me I think.", he nodded in response. "Some boyfriend he is, not even waiting for you.", Christian scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and let out a short laugh. "It's okay, I told him I'd see him after."

"But still.", Christian sighed before looking at me. "Jeez Mel, you look.."

"Like crap. I know, I know.", I nodded.

I swear everyone who I've talked to today have been wanting to say that, I could see it.

Eh, at least someone had the guts to just flat out tell me I looked like hell.

Worse than I actually thought.

"Have you been sleeping properly?", he asked, a look of concern on his face.

"This past week not really, I don't know what it is.", I shrugged. "With Randy acting strange weeks ago, and work and travelling it's just all kind of piling up."

"Randy's been acting strange?"

"Yeah.", I nodded. "It doesn't matter really, it's probably just Randy being Randy.."

"Right.", Christian replied, slightly hesitant.

I looked at him, tilting my head to the side slightly. "What?"


"You look like you know something."

"Me? No. Nothing.", Christian shook his head.

Such a liar.

"Christian, what is it?", I asked.

He sighed, looking away from me for a brief second before turning back to me. "Look, I don't know. Randy just seems to have a problem with me, I don't really know what his whole deal with."

"I could have guessed that with the looks he was giving you last time I saw you."

"Your boyfriend just has problems, let's leave it at that. Maybe you should ask him about them. Look I'm going to go, I'll catch you later."

"Right, yeah. Once again, thanks.", I smiled.

"It's nothing. Night Mel.", Christian smiled before walking away.

I watched him walk away before getting into my car, sitting there for a few moments.

Maybe I should take Christian's advice and ask Randy what his whole deal is. But then again, maybe he'll just get annoyed and blow up in my face like last time.


Apologies for this being kinda short, I couldn't really think of anything else to fit in with this chapter. Next chapter is currently in the works and hoping to make that longer. I'll probably throw an extra chapter in today, due to Orton having an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, I'll make that into alittle something. Thanks for reading nonetheless. :)

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now