It won't happen again, Sir

999 44 33

~Andy's POV~

Mister had called on me; I had been working, even though I wasn't supposed to with my broken wrist. I was only washing the dining room table though, nothing that big. I managed to knock a chair over in my hurry to get to Mister.

Another maid stopped me before I could get away and slapped my hand telling me to go pick it up. They all treated me like a child...and they were very mean to me. I did as I was told and she yelled at me, telling me how stupid I was. I hated being yelled at.

I managed to run away, towards Mister's office, only being shouted at a few times for running in the corridors. Eventually I reached the doors and I knocked quietly waiting for him to yell that I was to enter the room.

"Come in!"

I pushed the door open and slid into the room, letting the door shut behind me.

"Bonjour monsieur." I said quietly.

"Bonjour. Come over here." He said, he sounded like he was in a bad mood.

I walked over to his desk, biting my lip, wondering why he would be mad at me.

"What's this?" He asked, pointing to a note.

I just stared at it confused; I had no idea what it said.

"Andrew has been making trouble in the dining room when I have been trying to work. Please tell him to stay OUT of the dining room and to stop being such a nuisance." Ashley told me.

"P-pardon monsieur...?"

"It says...Andrew a été faire du mal dans la salle à manger quand j'ai essayé de travailler. S'il vous plaît dites-lui de rester en dehors de la salle à manger et d'arrêter d'être une telle nuisance." Ashley scowled at me.

They're lying, I was tidying up, and there wasn't even anyone else in there. All I do is tidy up; I wasn't in anyone's way. This was awful, they were trying to make me look bad in Misters eye.

"Je suis désolé monsieur, il ne se reproduira pas..." I whispered, looking down at my feet. It won't happen again, I promised. Though they would lie again and tell lies to Mister.

"It better not or you'll be in trouble." He growled and then told me to get out.

I walked out of the room quickly, keeping my gaze on my shoes as I made my way down the hall towards my quarters. They were crappy to be honest. Everyone else had told me that this was my room and there was nowhere else.

There was a mattress, a thin blanket and the room was dark, I hated the dark, but I tended to sneak boxes of matches into the room. I currently had a box of matches that I'd stolen from the kitchen the other day.

I lit the lamp and sat down on the mattress, pulling at the hem of my dress. Mister was mad at me; he had believed them, why would he believe them? He probably trusts them more than one trusts me with any job in the house.

Apparently I'm only here for show, even though everyone else tells me how ugly I am. I believe them, I am ugly and fat which is why I never eat anything. But I manage to force down some food when Mister gives me something to eat. I wouldn't want him to think I'm an attention whore, or disgusting or anything like that. No, I need mister to love me back.

I dream big though, I never thought I'd end up working as a maid in Misters house, but here I was. I was here, falling head over heels for my Mister when I should keep my head down and focus on working instead of making a mess wherever I went.

My wrist was aching in the bandages Mister had wrapped it in. I felt like such a clutz, such a mess for making Mister have to deal with me. I was so stupid, falling out of the bed and breaking my wrist. I was such a nuisance. I'd just have to make sure I worked harder and not get in anyone's way.

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