Chapter 19

418 37 0

Sira P. Kanté
May 10, 2016

As I was walking to Starbucks from my dorm for Danielle and I, received a call from Tyra again. Maybe she's just saying to meet her next week for a new gig or something.

I answer the phone hello Sarah hey Sarah I was just calling to tell you to meet me at 4206 Langston Ave. come up to 46 room 328 if a young girl exes where you were going to tell her to see me.

I'm sure is there a designated time
Oh OK here I come

I'll call De yelled to tell her that Taavon called and said to meet her somewhere now so I wouldn't be able to bring Starbucks home right away
She understood and said she would just get it on her way back from class

I took a cab to the building Taavon said to meet her at

Getting on the elevator and press floor six listening to the soothing music they play in the elevator I sway my body

The doors open to a young lady hi ma'am are you Silver Peak in town yes follow me I'll follow her to a great big door that said Tyra Banks.

Here you go man good luck and congratulations


Why would she say that? I shrug my shoulders and walked into the double doors seeing Tyra who was sitting at her desk with her glasses hanging low from her face.

"Good afternoon Sara I called you here for something very important."


"Hey take a seat." she said pointing to the chair in front of her desk.

"Well first I would like to start with saying I have signed you to T banks foundation of modeling." She said. I jumped out of my seat jumping for joy.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Oh my gosh." I screamed. She laughed " I know how exciting that can be."

"Sorry." I said sitting back in the chair. "You just fine so to make this permanently official, here's a pin. Sign your name here here and here on your new contract."

I read over the paper being a smart girl and once it was clear and legible I wrote my name in the places she once pointed to.

"Congratulation Sira P. Kanté, you are now a model for T banks foundation of modeling."

"Thank you thank you so much." I hugged her. She hug me back "you are so welcome."

I began to cry, I'm so happy.

My dream is officially here!

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