My Butlins Life

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Omg where do I start! I have made a great friend here! Jazz! She makes me laugh (at her) and cry (with her), she got me talking to a redcoat who I thought was fit and I had a huge crush on... But he was gay... Yet he was amazing, he smelt amazing and looked apsolutely amazing too. His name was Sean. And he left me and Jazz to go to uni ❤ miss you daddy 😂, he had no idea I called him daddy until I told redcoat Bradley and he goes and tells Sean and Tomas and all the other redcoats, which was a very cringy moment... And it wasn't until the last night I saw him he asked me for a father daughter photograph and to be honest I was melting with happiness! So thank you Jazz if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have spoke to him ❤

Also there is another amazing, yet gay, guy called Scot! Now he's a guy you'll love when you meet him, he's married and 29 but he makes Jazz's heart melt, and he made both of us cry by saying we'll never see him again! We just looked at each other and broke down into tears scared we'd never see him!

The Halloween just gone was amazing Jazz and I... well... Let's say we get truthful when drunk... And cry a lot...

Altogether we had 4 cans of Strongbow dark fruits and we weren't as drunk as the guy attacking a witch 😂 basically every year butlins do a little thing outside with witches and pumpkins with bodies and it looks pretty cool, but a few days before Halloween this drunken gay guy climbed over the fence, that was there to stop kids trashing it, but anyway, he climbed over and took the hat and the wig off the witch and ran off with it... Well Scot being Scot came at the right time and took the hat off the guy and rang Bradley, Bradley of all people, and he didn't help so what Scot had to do was get the hat and wig off the guy and climb the fence to put it back on... Well it didn't work he tried to out them on the witch but the wind blew it off again, so they were in the coldren and the witch went bold! But the funny part was when he tried to climb back over the fence and complained about his shoes and nearly ripping his trousers 😂
Jeez Scot, Sean and Jazz are what kept me laughing at butlins!

Trust me on this its helped my through so much... TAKE SCOTS ADVISE... Dønt stress. Rise above it. Keep your head held high! That way nothing bad can ever other you ❤thank you Scot❤

Another story but this time with Scot, Sean and Bradley 😂 and I'm going to explain the daddy situation in better detail...

Welllll... Jazz and I went to watch the redcoat show in reds (again) and jazz decided to cover me in fucking glitter!!! I hate glitter so much I genuinely wanted to shoot myself that day! But she put purple on my eye lids, lips and eyebrows, blue on the left side of my face, green on my right side, red on my chin and the did my hair in two French plaits and put silver down my parting, the did my collar bones in gold. And I did this for Scot and Sean, they were singing different songs and they were in different teams, blue and green, hence the colors, and I was walking round butlins for about an hour before going into reds and I got so many weird looks of everyone 😂 anyway when we got inside reds we stood right near the stage and waited for it to start... As soon as it started I got a funny look from Craig, Ashleen and some other blonde redcoat, anyway Scot didn't notice me at first and neither did Sean but they did after their first song... And Scot said he loves it but Sean just looked and laughed... While on stage! But half the glitter decided to come off when Scot say just the way you are 😢 and Sean looked at me and made his hand look like a heart which made me cry cuz this was his last redcoat show and that I'd never see him again 😢

After crying our eyes out, Jazz and I walk round the back of butlins to wait for Scot and Sean and we sang... Loud and proud... Well we were loud until all the redcoats came out then we legged it to the other side of the pavilion. That was a great night.

This one is a classic. The first time I ever properly hung around with Jazz, she had a little tag along... I say little this lass was huge, her name was Tia and Jesus Christ she was... Well... A very outgoing person. I had known her for 3/4 hours and she couldn't be arsed to go home so I said she could stay at my caravan... Massive mistake, she decided to take a fancy to my little brother! He's 12 ffs and she's 15! She literally stayed up til early in the morning just to go into his room and stare at him for ages! She was just watching him sleep! Then can!e and woke me up just to tell me she did! I didn't hear at first until the next morning when she told me again and I told my mum... We all got freaked out. Especially my bro. He nick named her Meghan Trainor because of her size 😂 she was gone and home within 3 hours of getting up! Jeez she was a nightmare, my sisters teased her and she started crying and everything. I was so happy when she left.

Just saying guys that's not everything about butlins that's only 2 days so there will be others ❤ loving my butlins life, it keeps me happy and smiling ❤ love ya Jazz, Sean, Scot and brad! ❤

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