the new girl

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In cornbury middle school, there were four noobs."Roach do you wanna see the most spectacular thing in the whole world?! " Kevin asked him "maybe" Roach said. "I'll take that as a yes!" Kevin said as he showed him a macaroni and salad poo singed red. "what is that supposed to be in physics?" Roach asked him "nothing I guess I'm just hungry" Kevin said. "everybody listen up, we have a new classmate joining us today, and her name is? " Mr salmon asked her "Kristine Reyn" she said. " are you the daughter of Johnny Reyn,the owner of appleditter company?" a girl called Lilly Lovellu asked "yes I am" the girl said. "so I guess you have to sit beside... Um...... Beside Ugh.. Kevin Reynolds." he said angrily. She got to the sit "hi" she said to Kevin, he replied blushing heavily.

To all my fans, thank you for reading

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