chapter 2

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Alaura's POV

the next day ( sunday)

i woke up tired and sore from unpacking i meet 5 super hot guys the other day and wanted to know more about them so i got ready and walked down stares to be surprised by 5 guys sitting on my sofa they said hey and explained that my dad let them in and said you were sleeping so we can watch TV until you wake up. i just nodded along and asked them what there names were i knew Liam's but i forgot the other four names they all screamed out there name and there favourite things i don't know why but whatever i asked them if they all lived together or were just having a sleepover or something they all laughed like i said the worlds funniest thing then they told me they were one direction all i could say to that was what is that they laughed again and said they were a band called one direction and were really big in London know it was my turn to laugh i said are you guys pulling my leg or what if you are that's pretty funny they all looked at each other then the next thing i knew i was in the air with Liam holding my tummy  zayn holding one leg niall holding the other harry and louis had my arms they dropped me into my chair at the computer and searched one direction on you tube all a sudden millions of videos of fans and music videos filled the srceen i couldn't believe it one direction was my neighbor i guess i said that out loud because the boys all started laughing.

harry's POV

wow the most prettiest girl ever but she doesn't know who one direction that's sad i mean its good shes not fan girl but i mean its going to be harder to get her to like me well i am the flirt but still that doesn't mean i can get ever girl i want in the push of a button.after talking to ail some more me and the boys went home to give her some time to settle in as soon as we got home all of us at the same time yelled i call her!!!!!!! no i get her yelled liam heyy i saw her frist screamed niall then it turned into a big fight with loius jumping up and down it felt like old times when we fought over stupid things but this wasent stupid this was a hot amarican girl.settle down boys screamed liam (he thinks he is the dad of the group) i say who ever she likes gets her said liam. it made sence so we all put are hands in the middle and screamed one direction.

niall's POV 

wow this has never happened all the boys liking the same girl ha i wonder who is going to be the lucky lad to get her.i know its bad to fight over a girl but i mean she is like heaven with those perfect blue eyes and hair that looks better then zayns and that's saying alot.

liam's POV 

ok i have to impress her maybe i will take her out to see London yah that sounds good ok I'm going to text her .......wait i forgot to get her number I'm sooo stupid oh well at least this gives my a chance to see her beutifulness again.when i got to her house i rang the door bell and her mom answered i asked if i could talk to alura she said yes and invited me in she call ail to come down when she came she was stunning she changed from the last time we saw her this morning in to bright blue pants and a white shirt i could smell her lovely perfume from wear i was standing it smelt of sweet strawberry's. then i noticed that i was just standing there starring at her like she was in the zoo and i was a guest.sorry for starring you look lovely i sad with my best smile then her mom said something and walked into the other room ail just smiled and asked what i was doing here i told her that i wanted to take her around town and give her a tour of London i would love to get a tour thank you liam she said i just have to ask my mom if i leave ok meet me outside she said and of coruse i obeyed.

Alaura's POV

OMG Liam just pretty much asked me out he is soo cute with his accent but he makes it sexy.i asked my mom if i could go with him and she said yes but be back soon i agreed grabbed my jacket and walked outside to see Liam waiting for me he is so nice i thought to my self. we walked together through the town a few people asked Liam for his autograph but other then that it was nice ans peaceful. i guess moving to London wasn't so bad i cant believe i said that what if he think i hate it hear.all he did was chuckle in his deep voice then said he had to show me something.

we walked what felt like a hour then we made it to a small park it was beautiful the trees had some snow on them but it wasn't like the snow wear your like eww i hate snow it was the snow that is the most beautiful thing ever that you think its from a postcard. me and Liam walked a bit more but stopped at a bench and sat down it was very cold and i only brought a small jacket so Liam put his winter coat around me this felt so right even if we did just meet yesterday i feel like I'm in love.the park was beautiful and quite me and Liam didn't talk most people would say that it would be akword but it wasn't and than when i saw it the most beautiful thing ever a bight yellow sun set it was amazing then i turned to see Liam he looked at he and bent over and ....and...kissed me his lips were so soft but something didn't fell right i pulled away felling bad foe Liam i mean i think this guy likes me but you know how they say when you meet the right guy you feel bubbly around him and every kiss had a firework show well that didn't happen i felt bad i thought i really thought i loved this guy but i guess not.

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