my new neighbor ( a one direction fan fiction )

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Aurthur's note -heyyy guys just a heads up im the worst speller on planet earth soo hope you guys dont mind to much and can make the words out fine. And this is my frist book soo pls take it easy on me thxx <3. 


Alaura-17, nick name ail ,sweet,pretty,funny,brown hair,blue eyes,best friends with Kasia ( Ka-see-a)

Kasia -17,nick name K, loud, excitable,loyal,courageous,blond hair, blue eyes best friends with Alaura.

one direction- A big band in London with five hot members liam,zayn,niall,Louis,and harry.

Liam James Payne-17,the "dad" of the group with light brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.  

Zayn Jawaad Malik-17,the vain one but shy when you first get to know him with black/ super dark brown hair( he loves his hair) and brown eyes and a pierced ear.

Harry Edward Styles-16,very cheeky but sweet and funny too with curly brown hair and green eyes

Niall James Horan- 17,Irish,laughs at about every thing,gets really red when nervous or embarrassed, blond hair and blue eyes

Louis William Tomlinson -18 the fun one , makes everyone laugh loves carrots,with brown hair and brown eyes.


Alaura's POV 

  I was lying down on my bed texting K ( kasia my best friend) about just a whole bunch of random things like we always do when i heard a knock on my door."who is it!" i yelled then my mom and dad walked in with worried  looks on there faces.My mom sat on the end of my bed but my dad stood still. this is not good not good at all i thought to my self . after quite a long pause they both started taking at the same time then stoped my mom said that they have something important to tell hands started to sweat because i was so nervous about the news even though i had no clue what it was.My mom started talking about my dads work and that it got shut down but there was a job offer for him in .......London she didn't have to say much more for me to figure out what that means we have to soon as they left i stared crying i don't even know why most people would be like omg cool London wooow but not me i had every thing in California that i needed my friends my family my house my room i could not leave this place i have been here since i was born there is no way that im leaving not know. but if i was leaving which im not i would have to tell K in person.

Kasia's POV 

I  was watching scoby doo when ail (alaura) texted me saying

heyy hottie i need to talk with u like right know but not on the phone its to important.

i replied 

sure thing hun meet at the park in 15min

ail- yupp sounds good seeyah there ;)

after getting my boots and my jacket on i yelled to my mom I'm gonna go to the park with ail i ran outside before my mom answered cause she always yes if im asking to hangout with ail. sometimes i think she likes ail more then me oh well.i walked to the park it was a bit cold outside since it was around 5:30 but i didn't care ail sounded like she had big news and nothing could stop me from hearing this beside i would do anything for her we have been best friends since we were born literary we were born in the same hospital same room and about the same time ails 2 hours older then me.once i got to the park i could already see ail she must of gotten a ride because she didn't look tired or have red cheeks like i probably did.

my new neighbor ( a one direction fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now