Chapter 2

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Shout out to the first person to follow me, jkrowlingharry1! I just started out writing on Wattpad, so it means a lot even if it may not seem like a big deal.

Anyways... Read on!


Chapter Dos

The worst thing about living next to the Cardens is that we have a lot of dinner parties with them.

Every. Single. Freaking. Week.

I mean, don't get me wrong, they aren't bad people. The only problem is Noah. Not only is he annoying, but his Mom and my mom expect us to be together one day, if not now. But today's dinner isn't just one of those random ones they plan out of the blue. Today is the day my big brother, Jesse, comes back from college. You see, we barely see my brother anymore because he doesn't visit often. But, he's finally done with college and is staying with us until he can support himself. Conveniently, Thanksgiving is in a week so it's just in time for the holidays. We all missed him so much. We both used to be pretty close before he left. Although he was annoying at times, he is family and I love him regardless. It's been about four years since he started college meaning he is now 22. I'm hoping he's still the same awesome, childish 18 year old brother he always was. Except for the age, that is.

So here I am sitting on the floor in my small walk-in closet wearing nothing but my underwear trying to figure out the outfit I want to wear tonight. I settled for something classic. A simple black dress with a lacy material. The dress went to the middle of my thigh and flared out a little. Before I had the chance to put it on, the door to my room swung open.

"Hey! I'm not wearing clothes! Get out of my room!" I quickly grabbed my pillow from my bed and clung it to my body.

At the door stood Noah with a surprised look on his face that soon formed into a small smirk. His eyes quickly scanned over my body, obviously finding my predicament to be humorous.

"I came here because your mom told me to tell you we are going out for dinner instead," a smug smile pasted on his face.

I gave him a fake smile then threw one of my pillows at his face. "Get out!"

He watched as the pillow lamely landed on the floor in front of him. My face heated up in embarrassment as he looked at me with a mocking stare.

Huh, I really need to work on my aim...

"Nice throw. Now hurry up. We're leaving in 10." He slowly retreated into the hallway with that little smirk on his face never breaking eye contact until he turned around. A few seconds later, his head popped back in my room.

"Oh and Julie?"

"What?" I said with a tinge of annoyance in my voice.

"You should wear that more often. The look suits you. Though I think you're used to it, with all the night jobs you have helping those in need." He looked down at me with a smug smile and a teasing look in his eye.

"Noah, I said get out!" I threw another pillow at him that missed his head by a second as he quickly pulled away from my room, laughing.

Well, he doesn't seem angry about the car incident anymore...

As soon as he left, I threw my dress on and began applying a light coat of mascara. Then added a thin line of eyeliner and a subtle red tinted lip balm. I wasn't really one for make up, but I used it sometimes. I usually like the natural look. I gazed into the mirror looking at the finished work. My wavy, medium blonde hair cascaded down to the middle of my chest. The black dress hugged me perfectly and the color allowed my rosy skin tone to stand out beautifully. My blue eyes were wide and bright, looking back at me with a brief shine that seemed to communicate how content I was. I'm done with three minutes to spare. I grabbed a pair of black, open-toed shoes that showed off my recently painted red nails and walked down the stairs of my house.

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