Big White Room(Chapter 24)

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Trent had become extremely quick tempered in the course of the March period and I was seeing as much of him as I see Rayab and Daliah in the early days of April. Most of the times I was able to see him were fleetingly at the school when he turned up for an exam or rare moments when he actually stayed in school for his free period.

I first put it down to the numerous exams we were both undertaking but that first seemingly legitimate excuse was beginning to lose its novelty as the majority of Trent's friends who went to my school were generally at the school more rather than less. Leaving me continuously trapped with Farah and Khareem who insisted on eating each others faces at regular and random intervals. Gross. I figured I'd have to eventually confront him, deciding on the earlier the better.

According to his cousin Jamal, him and Trent had basically identical timetables and exam times. Not one to waste time, I chose to use my Prefect badge with additional aka limited authority to good use. Pulling Trent out of his form group.

"Hey Ms Davies, I need Trent. He has to take his bags too." I smile sweetly at the woman before me waving a forged note at her.

"What teacher dear?" she asks.

"Its a new one. I'm not quite sure what their name is..." I improvise smoothly.

"Oh okay. Hurry up Trent and good luck in your exams!" She chirps.

"Thanks miss." He shoots before grabbing his stuff and shuffling out the door shutting it securely.

He plants a kiss on my cheek as we make our way towards the hall. I take a sip of water, popping a piece of gum into my mouth.

"We kinda need to talk..." I tell him.

He sighs, dragging a hand across his face and slipping his hand into mine.

"I thought this was coming." He says giving me a small smile. Its only when I look at him that I realise he has bags under his eyes and stress lines across his face. There's a small healed scar on the edge of the right side of his jawline. I reach out and trace it gently, Trent's jaw flexes and he holds my hand in place.

"Does it have to come now?" He ponders. I drop my hand from his face.

"Yes. Better sooner than later. This isn't working out" I begin as we sit on the wooden stage steps.

"Look, its not that bad...come on now" Trent interrupts.

"No, really it is! I hardly ever see you anymore. Its not like we used to spend every waking hour together and now its just a big shock that you're never here. And anyway when I do see you you're always rushing off somewhere or you're in a really bad mood and its just, I really cant go on like this anymore! We have to sort this out."

"Sort it out? You ain't breaking up with me? Thank God. Aye that's cool then well I have like a free period-" He begins.

"No,no, no. You always say that! I can't even remember the last time we had a proper conversation about anything without you getting pissed off and emotional! Do you know how that makes me feel? " I screech, my voice shaky and tears on the verge of escape. "Do you know how that makes me feel? I end up feeling like dog poo and I generally think of just ending everything. Ashley kept suggesting you were going out with another girl on the side or whatever but I would be like noo. Not my boyfriend, no matter how horrible you were being to me. But now Farah's saying it I just...I dunno"

"Ending what? And what girl on the side? I know Farah's your twin sister or whatever but come on! You believe this?" Trent seems slightly outraged and extremely shocked.

I shrug, not able to trust myself to look him in the eye focusing on a spot to the left.

"Fatimah! Look at me, that's fucking bullshit! I don't have a side chick. I've been busy, its been a long month. I swear to you that's all."

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