Chapter 7; A Visit From Mommy Dearest

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"Do you like him, cousin Winnie?" he asked.

I thought for a moment.

He's four, he doesn't really understand.

I nodded, and smiled.

Of course I liked Sherlock. But how, that was the real question.

"I think he likes you too." He whispered.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Because of the way he's staring at you right now, and how he looked when you were holding me earlier." He said.

"I'll just have to take your word for it." I said, leaning back.

Sherlock finished, and I smiled. Jeremy clapped, and scooted off my lap, waddled over, and hugged Sherlock's leg.

"Your really tall!" Jeremy said.

"No, your just really small Jer-bear." I said, picking him up.

I grab some toys from his dipper bag, and put them on the floor. He sits, totally consumed with the rolling cars. I walk over, and sit back in uncle's chair, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Your good with children." Sherlock said.

"Hmm, funny considering my own mother hates me." I said, watching Jeremy play.

I went back to my book, keeping my ears open for Jeremy. Finally two hours past, and Jeremy went silent. I set my book aside, seeing him curled up asleep on the floor.

I smiled, he was totally adorable. I rose from my chair, and scooped him up in my arms. I set him on the couch, and covered him in a small blanket. But, before I could walk away. His little arms stretched out, and grabbed my hand.

"Can I sleep in your room?" he asked.

I nodded, and scooped him up. we walked up the stairs and too my room, where I set him down and covered him up gently.

"Sing to me?" he yawned.

I grabbed my keyboard and set it on my lap. I say on the side of the bed. I began to play, lightly singing a soft lullaby. Jeremy fell asleep rather quickly, and I put my keyboard away. I leaned down, and kissed his forehead, before leaving the room, and lightly shutting the door.

I walked down stairs, and see Sherlock, standing in front of the window.

"Sherlock? Did you ever hear from Lestrade about the case?" I asked.

I hadn't really worked with Sherlock on the case since I started school.

"Yea, its been solved. The mother of the daughter hired a hit man to kill the boyfriend, but the daughter was in the way." He said, still looking at the window.

"And did you find out what the message meant?" I asked.

"Yea, it was the cousin, which the daughter had been babysitting. The hit men took her, and kept her to make it look like a kidnapping gone wrong, but we got the mother to confess." He said.

"Oh." I said.

Honestly I was bummed. I really liked working with Sherlock, seeing his mind in action. It was fascinating, really.

"Something wrong?" he asked, only a hint of concern in his voice.

"No, no its nothing. Just...nothing." I stammered, plopping down in the red chair. I grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV.

The first thing I see, was the face of Irene Adler. I sighed, and was going to turn it off, but I was stopped.

"Wait!" Sherlock said, grabbing the remote, and turning it up.

What Lies Beneath (Sherlock (BBC) Fan-Fiction)**Under Heavy Rewrites**Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora