chapter sixteen

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Remus' birthday was coming up and the Marauders, except for him, and their indirectly occasional fifth member, also known as Scarlett from Gryffindor, were sticking their heads together and planned a big birthday party in hushed whispers.

"It's going to be so great," Scarlett said, a smile plastered on her face.

"I'm saying that it will reach the highest level of greatness if you jump out of the cake when it will be brought in," Sirius said thoughtfully, scribbling his thoughts on a piece of parchment.

"Add the inappropriate outfit part on it, Padfoot," James ruffled his hair. Scarlett groaned, grabbing the quill from Sirius' hand an scratching the idea.

She also grabbed the unread Daily Prophet that lay on the table and hit the backs of their heads with it.

Peter laughed. Sirius glared at her and James asked, "Where is the party going to be held anyway? The Common Room might be too small."

"The Room of Requirement, of course," the girl said as if it were obvious.

"Of course! How could we forget," Peter exclaimed, exchanging glances with the other two boys.

"What?" Scarlett wanted to know what they were on about.

"Well, back in fourth year we pranked Filch. Do you remember when we enchanted some toothpaste and it turned into little giraffes?" James asked, to which she nodded.

"We were dying of laughter while Filch was trying to catch them. Anyways, it was all on the seventh floor, and suddenly there was a door. It was just there, we didn't know how it got there," Sirius explained.

"Did you go inside?" She asked.

"Is that even a question?" Sirius asked in return. She laughed.

"So, we went inside and it was honestly the best place we've ever seen," Peter said. The others nodded in agreement.

"Great, so that will be the location. I'll tell my sister and she will tell the Hufflepuffs," she mentioned.

"Will you tell George so the Ravenclaws know?" James asked, and the girl felt her heart sink at the mention of him.

She knew he was a Death Eater, but she didn't know what he was capable of. She told Theresa she had to break up with him in case she wanted to be happy again. Nevertheless she was scared for her friend.

"Hey, Earth to Scar," Sirius waved in front of her face like a maniac.

She snapped out of her thoughts. She seemed to be daydreaming a lot these days.

"Yeah," she blinked, "I'll tell Theresa."

"So it's settled then," Sirius said, standing up, "It was great talking to you, Crimson, but I'll see you later. I've got something to take care of," he winked.

The brunette girl shook her head, "You are so disgusting."

On the next day Scarlett caught her sister in the middle of a crowded hallway. She pulled her aside.

"It's Remus' birthday next week and we're throwing a party in the Room of Requirement. Tell the others," she said, slightly out of breath, "Please."

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