chapter fifteen

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A month later, somewhere at the beginning of February, Scarlett was dozing off in Professor Binns' class, History of Magic.

Her hair was tied up to a ponytail and her head was propped up on her hand that was supported by her elbow. Her eyes were closed while the ghostly professor at the front of the room was reading the book in a monotone voice.

Remus looked at her with twinkling eyes. He knew she was almost asleep; he happened to know his girlfriend of three months quite well.

He chuckled when she jumped in her seat. As far as he could see, a small piece of parchment popped up on her desk and the pretty Slytherin next to her, who happened to doze off as well, jumped with her.

The brunette read the letter and raised her hand, asking Binns if she could go to the bathroom and went out.

She sighed once the door to the classroom was closed. She was confused, she didn't know what to think about the letter. It was anonymous, telling Scarlett to excuse herself from the lesson and get out because they needed to talk.

She didn't know who sent the letter, but she suspected it was Theresa. And it turned out she was right when she rounded the corner.

Theresa looked up when she heard footsteps and Scarlett turned to leave. She was held back when her name was called.

She crossed her arms and stepped forward, "What do you want? Wasn't punching and humiliating me enough for you?"

Theresa furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head, stepping forward as well. "We need to talk," she quietly said.

"Oh, I doubt that's necessary–"

"He's a Death Eater."

The brunette's eyes widened, "What?"

"He made me do it. All of it, Scar, I am so sorry."

Theresa's pierced lips quivered and her voice was shaking, "He said I have to obey him or You Know Who will kill me. He told me because I'm a Mudblood I can't be friends with a Pureblood. So, he told me how to get rid of you and I had to do it in front of everyone so he could see."

She sobbed loudly and repeated, "I'm so sorry."

Scarlett hurried to her friend and embraced her before Theresa fell to the floor. They sat on the floor and while the blonde sobbed, the brunette would stroke her hair.

They sat like that for a while in the middle of the corridor, until Scarlett could see Remus approaching them. He was carrying her bag and kneeled down to be on eye level.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, due to Theresa being asleep.

"I'll tell you later," she responded, receiving a nod. He placed her bag next to her.

"I'm heading for Lunch, are you coming later?"

She nodded, "I'll wake her up in a bit, don't wait for me."

He nodded again and pressed a kiss on her temple, before leaving.

"What was her punishment anyway, I forgot," Peter asked Remus once the latter had explained why he had been held back.

"She was sent home for a week and got a warning, Wormtail," Sirius sighed from beside Peter.

"And why did she do it again?"

"Because she's a bloody brat, that's why."

"She isn't a brat, Sirius," Remus scolded, "But I don't know why. Scarlett said she would tell me later."

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