Meet the cast!! ✔

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Hey! Welcome to my wicked, twisted world....

Hello my name is E. Riddle and I would like to introduce the cast and explain how were going do this!!

And please watch the movie deadpool! (Don't know why I brought that up? I just as insane as deadpool so watch it!!👿😈💀😁😂) any who, let me now introduce the cast and get your mind off of me (which is hard to do if you met me before.)

Any was let's began...

Harry: Hi I'm harry and I'll be playing belle because the writer of this story says so!

(Voldy) or Tom Riddle: Hi my name is Tom and I would be playing the part of the 'beast' simply because this writer is a lunatic. Like harry said.

Ron Weasley: I have no idea why I'm here, she just threw me in here without telling what to do.

Draconian Malfoy: hello Malfoy, Draco Malfoy here and my part will be the wardrobe because this writer senses my taste in fashion. (Me: Not *in a whisper voice*)

Fred and George: hello! We're the weasley twins! Our part will be lumer the candlestick because this author had the idea for us to be a double character or something like that!

Ginny Weasley: Hello my part is Gaston or because I'm a girl.....Gastona!!

Hermione: hello, Hermione Granger here and my part in this tale will be cogsworth.

Sirius: hi I will be playing miss pots or in this case, Mr. Pots.

Coilln crevey: I'll be playing chip.

Cho Chang: my part will be gastona's assistant.

Remus Lupin: Ill be playing as Belles father.

Any was that's all the introductions that we need and have a nice evening (or for you people on the other side of the world, morning)

E.Riddle outta here!👿💀🐍👀😜

(PS please get me this shirt for Christmas!) (PPS not really but its a wish.)

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