Chapter 4 - Strange Discovery

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Dr. Theresa Neal, Novacorps' head of research on Hydra, pursed her lips as she approached the alien shuttle that was now in the complex's main hangar. Governor Belter and Colonel Hand were already there with what looked like a full squad of armed Space Dogs. The lab staff was pulled off of other duties and was in the process of setting up testing equipment. The military was stationed in defensive positions, holding her and her staff back to what they considered a safe distance. The military did not have much regard for the civilian workers of the Novacorps.

She brushed back a lock of her straight brown hair that had been tousled by the early morning breeze, then straightened her glasses. Theresa was energized by this discovery, even though it meant suspending her regular research of local plant and animal life. The Governor wanted her to prepare her people for the arrival of the alien spaceship and ordered them to keep it confidential. On Colonel Hand's orders, security was to remain tight.

This ship would now be the lab's top priority. A discovery of this magnitude was exciting. Theresa's staff would be required to work as long as it took to identify the ship's origin. Though most were excited to work on such a significant find, she could tell some of her staff dreaded the anticipated long hours it would require.

Many lab workers considered it an honor to work with such a respected scientist like Dr. Theresa Neal. She was focused and got results, which was why she had to work harder than any of her subordinates. If they wanted to work alongside her, they would do what was required of them, no matter what it took. She always reminded each of them that the work they were doing made a difference.

Before being assigned to work on Hydra, six years ago, Theresa had worked to preserve endangered species on Terra. Until they found the gate—and hope returned—any attempts to save animal life were considered futile. Now, with access to the vast biosphere on Hydra that so closely resembled what Terra had once enjoyed, Dr. Neal was one of those pioneers who rejuvenated the sciences related to the study and preservation of animal and plant life. She was now considered one of the foremost scientists in her field.

"Governor, Colonel," she said in greeting as she insisted her way inside the perimeter where the two men were. Colonel Hand was standing stiffly and alert while the older, Governor Belter, with his unassuming nature and graying hair, looked almost as excited as she felt.

"Are we ready?" Theresa asked.

"Soon," Hand told her as his men took positions around the shuttle.

He and Governor Belter stood facing the hatch with a pair of armed Space Dogs standing just to the right of them. The craft itself showed signs of extensive use, although seeming perfectly intact otherwise. Hand then motioned for the engineers, who rolled up their equipment to begin the job of cutting into the hatch with their laser torch, since no latch was evident. Three more Space Dogs stepped up behind them, weapons ready. She assumed they would enter the shuttle once they made an opening. The suspense was palpable.

Theresa glanced around, hands turning into fists in the pockets of her white lab coat as she strained to tamp down her urge to push through and get on the ship.

"This is what I came out here for," she said to herself in a hushed voice.

She didn't think anyone had heard her.

The Governor turned his head and nodded.

"This is what I've stayed out here for," he confessed with an approving smile.

Theresa couldn't help but smile back, a little embarrassed that he overheard her anxious words.

It took only a few minutes for the engineers to cut through the shuttle's exterior. The ship's hull construction did not appear any more robust than Terran ships. Just as the engineers finished cutting, she saw a Space Dog step forward and report to Hand: "Colonel, the engineers are ready to remove the hatch."

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