Middle, BIG Sister / .1

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"I don't care anymore, none of this matters to me!"
I could hear my mom screaming these words at my dad as I grabbed my little brother "Macho" and hid in the closet with him. My only sister  Sophia ran up the steps to try and see what they could be arguing about now, she always tried to make them stay at peace.

"I just want you to do the right thing!"

I could hear my dad literally pleading to my mom as she was digging in the closet for something to wear as she stepped out again tonight for the 4th time this week. Macho and I just made ourselves comfortable in the closet, he laid his head across my lap as I played with his silky hair and assured him everything would be fine.

Twenty minutes or so must have passed as I woke up to the sound of the front door being slammed shut. I knew my mom was stepping out to go get drunk with her friends and she most likely wouldn't be back until the next morning. I slowly tried to wake up Macho but he was surely out for the count, and so I got myself up and nearly broke my face picking him up to take him to his bed. I quickly tucked him in and turned on his nightlight, that he can't sleep without even though he is 6 now.

I go to my room to play with my Barbie dolls and sure enough my sister was in my bed cuddled up with MY teddy bear so I nudged her over and squeezed myself in the little space I had.

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