Chapter One

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                                                                                  Emma pov

New school, new family, new people but always with the same result. It is the middle of my junior year and  my foster family decides to give me back to the system and im glad. I didnt think it would work out anyways with them, "We wanted a younger child" they would always say. Fine with me.

"Emma, dear are you ready?" Erica asks which is my case worker. I am a 16 year old who has probably been in foster care her whole life. She is a sweet old lady; the years have been good to her.

"Ya, I am almost done." I yell . Once I finish packing up my very little items, I go straight to her car, they dont need my goodbye. Erica comes in moments later, starting the car and putting my music on. This is monthly or couple monthly thing for us both. I know what to do and she knows what to say.

"The couple im taking you to are extremely  nice and a bit unusual but they are different from the rest." she says

"What do you mean different?" I ask taking off my shoes knowing it is going to be a long ride.

"They know how many foster homes you have been to, your little jail records, the run away games you play, and they for once dont seem to mind any of it. Just for some reason i think they will be good for you Emma."

" No one wants a run away child who doesnt believe in family"I say looking out the window of the car and she just sighs. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask, "It is a Sunday morning and sadly i still have school tomorrow."

"First of all, someone will want you. Youre not just some run away kid you have a hard past thats all. And a small town called Storybrooke plus David and Mary Margret already enrolled you at SBHS which they said you can start when ever you want to. They dont want to push you to go already" I looked at hr schooked.

"A place called Storybrooke and they arent going to make me go to school already." I say "that's different" I look at her and she nods causing me to look back out the window and reminiscing about the past.

Family after family. At first I tried to be like all the other kids; making families feel sorry for me, being "happy" doing what they wanted, saying what they wanted to hear. Who knows maybe I tired too hard, maybe I was just not what they wanted. How will I ever be what they wanted? All the other kids in the group homes got great homes and wonderful families and then there was just me, Emma Swan the girl who never met their real parents like the rest, the one who was in the system since day one. The unwanted baby, the unwanted kid, the unwanted teen. Later I just gave up, I stopped trying to gain a family.
~ 3 hours later ~
"Emma wake up we are here." I am woken but shaky old lady hands on my legs making me wake up to the sight of two people standing near the car. Taking my time I get out and stretch. Seeing a short lady with a pixie cut, and a tall well build kinda slim guy with dark hair like hers.
"My name is Mary Margaret, you can call me m&m for short if you'd like and this is my husband David." The lady says walking towards me impressing into a hug causing me to just stand there awkwardly.
"Uh Mary Margaret I don't think Emma is enjoying that very much" David says and she let's go of me looking at me then at David and back at me.
"You're right" she says and I just smile.
"Emma darling, come get your bag from the back" Erica calls out and I go to where she is, grab my things and look at her. "I told you they are different" she says giving me a wink, walking up to the front sit and gets in. "Good luck, I hope this is your last"

"They will soon not want me like the rest" I say causing her to get up and giving me a hug.
"This time it feels different. Emma swan you are just one special girl looking for that one special family." She ends the hug, gets in her car and drives off.
"That one special family" keeps repeating in my head as I follow David and Mary Margaret into the loft.

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