Chapter 1 (3rd person POV)

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It had been a year since Aaliyah caught Her husband in her bed with his baby mama. The wounds were still fresh to her. But she was happy she didn't have to worry about pleasing a man anymore, all she had to worry about was her career as a Physical Therapist and a Model, and her 2 beautiful children, Isabella and Kitai.

"Isabella. Kitai. Dinner is ready."

The came running down the stairs laughing and giggling. She smiled at her Munchkins. They were 7 years old and they looked just like their father.

"Mom, are you alright?" Kitai asked his mother. Aaliyah spaced out a lot and most of the time she didn't notice. She used to be alert all the time but now she wasn't even close to being Alert, which was probably why she never noticed the Black Bentley that Followed her around everyday for the past year.

"I'm fine honey. Eat your food then get ready for bed." She gave him a smile. A smile that didn't reach her eyes and her children knew she wasn't the same as she used to be. They also knew what happened between her and their father and they hated Niko for what he did to their mother.

After she found out Niko was cheating her Athletes saw a dramatic mood shift in her, she was always tense, distant when it came to conversations, her fitness routines had become a lot harder, she was all business no play. The players were starting to believe she hated men, in which she did. She deemed all men the same and she vowed to never open her heart to another one.

"When are we visiting Grandma?" Isabella asked

"We will go tomorrow. I can call your dad so he can see you guys. How's that sound?"

"I don't wanna see dad." Kitai frowned

"I don't neither." Isabella whined

Aaliyah raised her brow. She really didn't realize how smart her children really were.

"Why not?"

"Because he hurt you mommy. You haven't been the same in a long time."

"You're never happy no more." Isabella added.

"Just because he hurt mommy doesn't mean he doesn't love you guys. I'm sure he would love to see you too. So yes you're seeing your father."

"But Mom!" They whined.

She glared at them with her tigeress colored eyes and they stopped and went back to their clam chowder.

A knock sounded at the door and Aaliyah furrowed her brow. Nobody knew where she lived, nobody. She grabbed her desert eagle out of the table by the front door and looked through the peep hole. It was a man. She took the safety off the gun and put it behind her back. She opened the door slightly, just enough for him to see the left side of her body.

"May I help you?" She asked.

"Good Evening, Miss. Daniels. I'm Damien Arden and I have a business proposition for you."

"What kind of business?"

He smirked. "Mafia business."

As soon as he finished the word mafia, Aaliyah swung the door open and lifted the gun to his head.

"How do you know me?"

"Everybody knows you, Cyncere. You're A legend here in the states."

She clenched her jaw at the sound of that name.

"Why do you want a washed up drug dealer to help you with Mafia business?" She questioned. She hadn't been anywhere near a trap house in 6 years and didn't plan on going near one.

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