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I woke up to the sound of pattering feet outside my door, followed by a harsh whispering. "I don't want to do it, what if she gets mad?" A quick reply, "well i won't do it, plus you're younger so you have less to loose." I laughed at this and they must of heard as a blue-eyed, red-haired boy poked his head round the door. "Morning Elaire...mum says you need to get up because there's a meeting today at the-"
I cut him off "yes yes I know Luca. Scurry off and help mum in the kitchen, and you Nathaniel." And with that, the pattering of feet pattered off down the hall.

A loud groan escaped my lips as I stretched my achy limbs. I rolled out of bed and shook off the sleepy feeling. Mum would expect me to dress well today.

I flung open my wardrobe and scanned for something dark, I wanted to blend in and avoid as many accusing stares as possible.

I pulled out all my dresses and layed them out on the bed. The first one I liked was a dark blue dress with a black ribbon around the waist, it had short off the shoulder sleeves made from the same ribbon.

I also liked the classy black dress that I had worn to four different events at the palace. I decided that this was a different kind of event, plus I hadn't been to the palace in centuries so I should go for something new.

My eyes fell apon a new red velvet dress that I assume mother had picked out for me. It had a low riding neckline that was lined with black lace. The long sleeves fell off the shoulder and were finished with more lace detailing. The skirt was split up to mid thigh

I dug out some knee high, black velvet, heeled boots to match and hung up the other dresses.

A new buzz was in this house, one i hadnt felt in a long, long time.

I hurried into the bathroom where I ran myself a hot bath. I added in rose oil and pettles as I was feeling romantic along with some lavender.

I stripped and lowered myself into the hot steaming bath.

We used to have maids. They were given to us by the King with the house but mother sent them away after just a few years because there were too many people. Besides, we needed the extra rooms.

The smell of lavender took me back to when I was last here. It was in the spring time and the entire island was in bloom. We had feilds and feilds of the purple flowers and I would run through them with my sisters. It was our job to collect the lavender and take it into the back yard where our brothers would pick out the flowers and separate them. Then we would dry them, it took weeks and weeks, I remember going into the barns and them smelling so heavily of it.

I chuckled at the memory and pulled myself out of the bath, satisfied that I had soaked long enough to smell good.

I dried myself off and turned my attention to the mirror. I pulled up my dark red hair into a quick bun and tugged on my dress. It fit well and showed off my modest curves. I smiled at my reflection and called Lucianne.

Lucianne poked her head through the door with a grin. I nodded her to come in and turned my head to see her wearing a dark blue version of my dress, hers had white lace instead. That was typical of mum, though I didn't mind on this occasion. Both my sisters had mother's blonde hair and blue eyes. I however took after my father with my dark red hair and strong nose.

I took Lucianne into a hug as I hadn't seen her last night. We stood for a while like this until she pulled away. "Want me to do your hair?" I smiled and mumbled a yes while I went to sit infront of the mirror.

Lucienne was only a decade younger than me, making her 592. If I missed anyone from this house of havoc, it was her. She always had an optimistic view on everything.

A gentil shake on my shoulder told me she had finished, I lifted my chin to admire it. Two neat plaits from the front of my head where braided back into the tight flawless bun atop my head.

I thanked her as she left. She didn't speak much anymore, not as she used to.

I didn't dwell on it as I lined my eyes with the pencil I had brought with me. We didn't wear a lot of makeup here as we had no need to...which was a relief, it had taken me years to perfect the art of covering my face, and what's worse, then having to keep up with fashion over the centries.

I took one last glance in the mirror before I snapped my fingers to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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