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Jason nervously waited inside the limousine with Katherine and Amber, they both dressed beautifully with Katherine wearing a cream silky dress and Amber wearing a white puffy dress. Jason looked at Amber as she played with the white rose petals, he's happy she'll be his flower girl for their wedding. Jason relive the perish memories he cherished, remembering the day Dante confessed his love for Jason. When they were just little trouble makers, Jason knew Dante is the one for him. He saw a future with Dante and marrying him one day, he planned his wedding during his high school year inside his diary.

He'd cut out pictures from his mothers old wedding magazines gluing them in his diary, Jason dreamed one day he'd be walking down the aisle marrying the man of his dreams. Jason didn't think Dante would find his diary and when he did Dante made it his mission to plan Jason's dream wedding. Here he sits holding his bouquet nervously waiting the signal for him to go and be with his husband. Jason spend the night memorizing his vows, he couldn't sleep more than an hour nervous and excited for his special day.

"Are you ready to get married?" asked Katherine. The drive stopped in front of the catholic church, he held his sisters hands thanking her for everything she's done for him.

"You're going to make me cry Jason" she says. Jason smiled.

"You look beautiful" said Jason. His father Robin waited outside the limo, he wiped his tears looking at his beautiful son. He couldn't believe how much his children has grown, Robin opened the door and held onto Jason's hand.

"Let's take you to your man" said Robin. Jason wrapped his arm around his father, an American flag hang over Robin's shoulder in memory of Dante's father. Jason comforted his fiancé as he cried for his father, it sadden him he couldn't see us getting married. With the flag Dante and his family felt like his father is also walking Jason down the aisle. The large wooden doors open revealing the church transformed into his dream wedding.

Jason forced himself to not cry but by the time to walked to his future husband tears of joy roll down his cheek

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Jason forced himself to not cry but by the time to walked to his future husband tears of joy roll down his cheek. Amber and Katherine followed behind dropping the petals on the floor then sat next to Dante's mother Megan. His favourite played faintly as they said their vows, Jason love Dante for a thousand years and no words need to be spoken when the song played. Only the piano and cello make everything perfect. 

"I pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Brown, you may kiss your husband" said the priest. Everyone cheered clapping their hands, Jason immediately kissed his husband. They both wrapped their arms around each other crying in joy, finally they're one and their forever.

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"I love you so much" said Dante as he wiped his husbands tears away, Katherine handed Amber to Jason

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"I love you so much" said Dante as he wiped his husbands tears away, Katherine handed Amber to Jason. They kissed their baby girl and soon planning to expand their family, together forever is where they belong.

"I love you more" Jason replied. His Christmas wish came true, Merry Christmas.


A/N: Thank you for coming with me on this beautiful journey, I written this with all my heart and felt like it's about time I've written about it. Growing up in a military family, I'd cherish the moments I get to see family members in the US Military and Australian Defence Force. I would like to give thanks to those who sacrifice their lives, I will forever be thankful for their services. I've felt and seen the pain of my sisters  not able to see their husbands, I am proud to call them my brother in laws and friend.

Thank you.

His Christmas Wish (ManxMan) A Christmas Short Story #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now