Chapter 1: When The Day Met The Night

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Brendon and Patrick stood in the teachers lounge, like they do everyday, sippng their coffee. It's some kind of rule that teachers have to get there extrememly early, but they end up just being bored for an hour.

"When's your first class?" Brendon asked, not taking his eyes away from the window. You could see through it to the rest of the school. Actually, it was right in front of the main entrance. Patrick and Brendon would make bets on how late Gerard was everyday.

"Uh.. third hour?" Patrick replied.

"Shit! I have first."

Brendon refrained himself from hitting Patrick when he laughed. Watching the door was more important. Instead he just scowled and hoped Patrick saw it.

"We both know he'll be in after eight." Patrick mumbled before turning around to refill his mug.

"There's still six minutes." Brendon snapped, squinting his eyes in concentration at the closed glass doors.

Before Patrick even had time to scoff, the door pushed open and someone who they'd never seen before stepped in, pushing brown curls from his face. Normally Brendon would just roll his eyes and admit defeat, but he was too distracted by the lanky boy that stumbled into the building. He looked too old to be a student, but far too young to be one of their parents. He wasn't wearing the uniform either, so who knows what he was doing here. He wore tight jeans and a vest with a scarf placed loosly over his shoulders. He carried a shoulder bag that seemed to go with everything else about him.

"Bren, you're being creepy." Patrick smirked, heading for the door.

"Who is he?" Brendon asked.

"New english teacher. Don't you pay any attention at the meetings?"

Patrick already knew the answer to that. Before Brendon could even ask the guyys name, Patrick was gone. Probably off to the foreign language classroom to actually do his job.

Brendon could barely keep himself from running out and introducing himself to the new guy. He wanted to hear what his voic sounded like and shake his hand and all that. But, he only had about three minutes to get to the music room before his students started yelling and playing the instruments. Once the thought of Pete Wentz playing his piano came into his mind, he was out the door.

The music room's all the way on the bottom floor, so it would take a while to get there. That's why running helps. The senior class is the worst too. They think just because they won't be here next year that they can do whatever they want.

Brendon pushed open the door, yells and laughter suddenly seasing. He squinted his eyes at the rows full of students sitting in plastic chairs until he made it to Pete. Pete squinted his eyes back, curling one side of his lips into a smirk. The two have sort of a love-hate relationship. As reckless and sarcastic as Pete is, he's a great musician. There's simply no way Brendon could get him kicked out of the class.

Brendon stepped into the room, setting his coffee down on the piano and folding his arms.

"Who started it this time?" He asked calmly, already knowing the answer. All but two people in the room pointed to Pete. Mikey and himself.

"Way? Do you have anything to add?"

Mikey looked around and shifted in his chair, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He muttered. Mikey does whatever he can to keep Pete out of trouble.

"Y'know Mikey, I could just go right down the hall and tell your brother."

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