She parted her lips, fear in her eyes as she clung to his arm.

Cam locked his eyes with mine, sharing a sinister gaze, one that made my skin crawl. “Mm such a beautiful face,” He murmured close to her cheek making the hairs on my arms stand, “And all mine.” He smirked, brown burning against brown as I fought to control myself.

“Let the girl go, Cameron. She’s got nothing to do with this.” Leo’s voice barked though he stood his ground. Something in his eyes blazed a message I couldn’t convey into words as he stood next to Bruce who looked a bit uncertain of the situation.

“I’m going to give you about five seconds to let her go…” I warned, staying my ground despite the voice in my head that screamed for me to save her, not wanting to risk the chance of hurting her. She was innocent and didn’t deserve to be a part of something as dark as this.

“But why would I do that when I could just take a lovely girl like her home with me?” Cam’s filthy hands brushed the girl’s hair to one side, his lips brushing across her bare shoulder, “What’s your name sweetheart?”

“J-Jessie,” She squeaked, trying her hardest to remain calm.

“You know what guys like me do to pretty girls like you Jessie?” He whispered in her ear, his lips ghosting over her skin, “We torture them.”

A whimper seeped through Jessie’s lips as she squeezed her eyes shut, her body trembling in his hands.

I balled my hands into fists, angrily sucking my teeth. “Jessie,” I spoke, loud and clear with authority in my voice.

Peeling her eyes open, she looked at me, nothing but fear inside of them making my body go rigid.

Cam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at our lack of wording, the tension building with each passing second. A secret message had formed between Jessie and me as I eyed Cameron’s foot and then his arm around her neck before silently gesturing towards the glass. When I met her gaze once more, she stood taller, understanding what I wanted her to do though I could see the hesitation.

“It’s okay.” I voiced, nodding slightly before tearing my eyes from hers and looking at Cam. “You misjudge the higher power, Cameron.” I smirked, licking my lips, my head cocked to the side. “I’ve dealt with scum like you all my life and it never fails to amaze me how you’re all the same. You all vouch about how you’ve got the upper hand on us and then you do something as predictable as taking a girl under your wing which is by far the stupidest thing you could do because it only shows how much of a pussy you are.”

“Because if you were a real man, a true gangster, you’d let the girl go and fight me head on, no weapons, no back up, just me and you but you know you can’t do that because I would snap your neck in half and leave you dead on the floor which in the next thirty seconds or so, that will happen so you can take Jessie and you can use her as bait to go through the back door then escape but me and you both know none of us will allow that so I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Either you let her go or I kill you, your choice. So what’ll it be Cameron?”

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