Christmas Eve➳Blake Griffin

Start from the beginning

She flounced down in the seat right next to him, flipping her hair behind her to look at him and smile. And that killed him. Her smile. He officially wasn't paying attention to anything related to the Los Angeles Mission.

Bea noticed his stare, and she was honestly stunned. A Lakers fan through and through, she couldn't believe that the one time she was running into a pro ball player, it was a Clipper. She hated the Clippers. And no matter how fine and muscly Blake was, he was still a Clipper. But his admiration of her was definitely softening her up. She at least knew she'd have to say something to him to find out what she'd missed already since she was late.

As a pre-med student, Bea was enjoying every bit of her Christmas Break, starting with sleeping in every single morning. She had set an alarm since she knew good and well that her sleeping schedule was all out of whack, but the bed had just been feeling too good, and having to be at this orientation by ten in the morning was a struggle. She was only five minutes late, but it was enough time to cause her the embarrassment of everyone noticing her late entrance.

After the video ended, both Bea and Blake had refocused their attention on their purpose for attending the meeting, but their connection had only just begun.

"Alright everyone, let's take a look at the registration forms in front of you..."

Bea panicked. She didn't have these registration forms because she was late, of course.

"Um, hey, where did you get those papers from?" she asked Blake with a polite smile, surprising her own self with her willingness to speak to him.

"They're actually up front at the table behind the volunteer coordinator," he answered with a smile, excited that she had opened their lines of communication.

Bea thought she'd melt at the sound of his deep voice and his perfect smile. He was already sex personified in a well-fitting forest green V-neck sweater that showed the curve of his muscles and broad expanse of his chest. He didn't have to be so nice, too.

"You can look on with me for now," Blake added, jumping at the opportunity to get close to her.

"Oh! Thank you so much!" she whispered excitedly as Blake scooted his chair closer to her.

He quickly found out that she smelled lovely, her fresh, flowery scent surrounding him as he leaned near her and pushed his papers in between them. He mentally patted himself on the back for already making a move to get closer to her, while Bea's nerves began to betray her. How could she let this LA Clipper already get in her head? She was normally anxious in new social situations, but for some reason, she had no problem talking to Blake.

"Thanks for saving me when I was late," Bea thanked Blake with a small chuckle after the meeting ended and people began to file out.

"Oh it's no problem, life happens," Blake responded with a chuckle.

"Eh, it was more like my comfortable bed happened," Bea responded before she even realized what she said.

Blake laughed out loud, taken aback by her bluntness, "That'll do it, too. Not a morning person?"

"Hell no! Who actually is?" Bea exclaimed with incredulity.

Blake chuckled, loving Bea's openness and comfort with herself, "I guess it depends on what...or're getting up for."

Bea raised her eyebrow at Blake, sensing some flirtatious vibes coming from this sexy Clipper.

"Anndd that sounds like a different situation entirely, Mr. Griffin," Bea deadpanned, crossing her arms and looking him square in the eye.

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