Chapter Three: Lost in The Woods?

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part one of the promised three parts in store! Thanks for thirty views! Means a lot... Remember to show support? Maybe.

Bzzt....Bzzzt.... That noise, it kept growing louder. So loud, in fact, it has awoken me from whatever freak blackout I was in. Expecting to see a heart monitor, or maybe even my partner scanning me for a possible possession, I instead found myself next to a hornet nest.
Well, that was enough.
"Shi-Crap!" I said aloud, quickly army crawling to the right. My legs were on fire, but there was more important things to attend to. I crawled as far as I possibly could from the devil's spawn, but did suffer a few stings. Damn, those really did hurt.
At least I could check out my leg problem now, I guess that's what I'm calling it now. Well, not much, just a few scrapes. I can stand without losing a whole lot of blood. I guess I slipped somehow? Maybe. Anyways, where was that dork? I thought all of this to myself as I stood and walked. I could hardly remember much, and what I could remember was very hazy.

    I left a small trail of blood after me, putting one hand upon my chest. That was where most of the pain was, but I was too afraid to check it. I gasped slightly as a surge of heat and pain rushed over my abdomen. I doubled over and coughed rather abruptly, regretting life itself as I managed to straighten myself. Good thing I did, or I would have missed the road ahead.
  Perhaps a car would come? Maybe a ride is entailed...  I though, and sat down on the grass beside the hardened tar. I waited for... An hour? Or two? Before I became bored.

  He felt for his phone, but found it absent from himself. He always packed it, not that it would count out here, since there was no service for miles. Ghost huffed, groaning a bit in pain as he laid back against the gravel. The pain throbbed just below the skin as if it were reaching for the sky, and it felt like, at any second, it would burst through the skin. Perhaps a snake bite? Well, that's the last thing he considered before falling asleep.
   "Sir? Sir?!" A voice rang out... Oh no, not another early investigation. He hated those....
    "Five... Five more minutes.". He said, eyes flickering open as a pair of pale hands rushed up to cup his face.
      "Johnny! Where the bloody hell have you been? I was worried sick!" Toast said, adding a motherly tune to that statement, and then proceeds to shake my head a bit in his grasp.
   "Who did this? Who hurt you?!" The older man asked, almost forcing some kind of answer out of me.
    "I don't... I don't recall? What am I doing here, Toast, please tell me where I... Where I am..." I said, acting a bit loopy as I glanced around. The trees were brighter, more saturated than I remember. Though, I hardly remember much at all. Maybe just my mind... Tricking me...
     "Don't be a fool, you were out on a case with Spooker! You told me everything would be fine! However, you didn't come home, and I was woken up with Spooker at the door, screaming about a ghost!" The pale man said, his familiar features were something I recognized.
         "I... I don't...". I said, words failing me as my mind went blank. All actions I wanted to act upon were erased from my mind like chalk from a chalkboard. An odd feeling it was, and an even odder one when the other man sighed and picked me up bridal style.

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