The Closure of Hogwarts

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Previously on the Rune Of Time
Harry yelled Magna Mortem white lightning Blasted Quirrel and Harry yelled Sectemsempra the cutting do spell flew at The Professor who dodged It yelling Crucio again the Spell struck Harry Before Harry yelled Stupefy the beam narrowly missed Quirrel  before there was a Shout of HARRY a curse a yell for misty a Crack the a Get me outta here another Crack  and Harry Potter fell Unconscious

Three days later When Harry was released from the Hospital wing he went to the Headmasters Office when he got there there was a Shouting Match going on NO HOGWARTS WILL NOT CLOSE IT CANNOT I WILL NOT BE SEEN AS A COWARD THIS SCHOOL HAS BEEN OPEN FOR A THOUSAND YEARS WAS THE FIRST EVER MAGICAL SCHOOL I CANNOT HAVE THIS SCHOOL CLOSED
DUMBLEDORE TEN STUDENTS WERE FOUND DEAD AT THIS VERY SCHOOL FIRST THOSE TWO AT THE START OF THE YEAR THEN THE TWO BEFORE CHRISTMAS WE TOLD YOU IF THIS KEPT UP WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NOW SEVEN STUDENTS FOUND DEAD NEAR A PROFESSORS OFFICE WITH THE PROFESSOR IN QUESTION ATTEMPTING TO NOT ONLY STEAL THE STONE BUT TRY TO KILL HARRY POTTER AND HE THEN VANISHES WHEN YOU ARRIVE WITH THE LEAVING BEHIND THE STONE YOUR LUCKY MR POTTER IS STILL ALIVE THE SCHOOL WILL CLOSE THIS IS THE DECISION OF THE GOVERNERS AND THE MINISTRY the Students can be transferred or home schooled Harry quickly left and headed for the great hall once he got there he started eating ten minutes Later Dumbledore walked in followed by Fudge and Lucius Dumbledore reached the head table turned around and started speaking Attention Please said Professor Dumbledore the board of Goveners have come to a decision that because of Recent things that Have transpired  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be Closed Parents if they do wish may home school there students or be transferred to a different school your test results will arrive shortly after you arrive home thank you whispers filled the great hall everyone please pack your trunks the train will be here shortly thank you standing up he walked over to Lucius And asked if he would be kind enough to Apparate him back home with Neville and Hermione of course Harry I can do that Sirius would go off his plot if I didn't pack your things and come back here alright MISTY the Elf Appeared Dumbledore stood up at the name of the Elf please pack  all of my things and my friends things and send them to the Manor Please then you are free to do anything  yes Master with a pop the Elf disappeared alright let's go then Neville Hermione let's go What about it's already at the Manor oh alright walking down to the Gates at Hogwarts they Apparated back to the Manor.

Next time on the Rune Of Time
So you succeeded in getting the Governers to close the school well done Now we still have to kill the old fool and the rest of the Dursleys

Hello Tom I hope your well yes Harry I now have a body of my own I have come to collect my Death Eaters ok replied Harry but if they wish to remain with my warriors don't go on a killing spree deal deal replied Tom

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