Chapter 5.

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It seemed as though the phone took centuries to ring. "C'mon, pick up..." Rihanna breathed through the receiver, anxiously awaiting her best friend to answer. She stared at the pregnancy test in utter shock for some moments. She was terrified and elated at the same time to become a mother. The uncertainties of parenthood started blending with her peace of finally being with child.

"What's poppin'?!" Mel shouted on the other end.

"Me. I'm pregnant," Rihanna gushed, "and I promise this isn't a joke."

"You're what?! Bitch, I'm coming over right now!"

Rihanna chuckled. "No, don't. Aubrey and I need some time for this to process. I just wanted to tell you first."

"You're not telling Monica?"

"I am. Just not now, you know I have to wait a few weeks before I can tell everyone just in case something goes wrong. You know she has a big mouth..." she trailed off. "Hopefully everything goes well, and hopefully this test is legit."

Drake sat on the edge of the bed, holding his phone in the palm of his hand. The media was blowing up with pictures of Nicki and her "secret kid". He locked his phone and threw it across the room. "That fucking bitch..."

Rihanna furrowed her eyebrows, saying a few more words to Mel before hanging up. "What is wrong with you? Why did you just throw your phone?" She walked across the room to retrieve it, picking it up and seeing that his lock screen was full with news alerts about him being a deadbeat father. "She sold a story to TMZ? How could she..."

"She's trying to get back at me for leaving. I just...I just needed some time to sort this out. She didn't have to do this," Drake shook his head. "I only want to be with you."

Rihanna felt her stomach churn. Her biggest dream and worst nightmare were occurring all at once. Her heart felt heavy knowing that in some way her little family would be broken by the time her baby boy or girl is born. "You have to go back and see her, Aubrey. That's final." She wrung her hands and sighed.

"No, we need to celebrate your pregnancy, baby. Do you know how long it took?" His eyes twinkled in awe. "You're going to have my child."

"But I'm not the first!" Rihanna's voice broke as she put the phone down on the dresser. "I love you, but this is why I've always said I've been better alone. Just get out, give me some space, please?" She went into the bathroom, locking herself in and pressing her body against the door to sob.

I really don't deserve her.

But I've worked so hard for our future.

Is she right? Do I need to leave her alone and co-parent from afar?

Drake's thoughts argued in his head relentlessly as he drove to meet Nicki at the park with their son. He parked in a space and swaggered out of the car, locking it. His heart was pounding articulately in his chest and ears. Beads of sweat began to dribble on his forehead and under the brim of his glasses. He saw Nicki sitting on a bench, watching her son color on a plaid blanket in the grass next to some other children. He approached her smoothly, sitting right next to her.

"Isn't he just beautiful?" She beamed, making eye contact with her baby's father.

Drake nodded, deeply sighing. "Why did you sell a story to the media that is untrue? Why would you make our child public without my permission?"

Nicki shrugged. "I felt as though I was alone. I needed some support."

"By potentially damaging my reputation, career, and everything I've worked for? Damn, girl, you're a hurt ting." He snorted. "But that's not as bad as you could have done."

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