"Why not? Then we will-"

"No Jack! I refuse to go through that again! I will not lose another baby!" I yelled.

"You can't be afraid of having children because of this!" He shot back.

"Were not even engaged Jack! Why is this such a big deal?" I asked He looked at me and shook his head and went back to his work. I scoffed.

"Typical.." I muttered and left his office with people looking at me, I ignored them and went to Temperances office.

"Hey Temperance." I said sat next to Booth who was on the couch.

"Hey Naomi. Are you okay that argument seemed pretty heated." She said I nodded.

"Ya I'm fine I just need to stay somewhere else for a couple days." I said and gave her a smile.

"I would tell you to stay with me but my apartments being remodeled so I'm staying at a hotel for now." Temperance said. I nodded.

"You can always stay at my place Naomi, any time," Booth said. I smiled.

"Thanks Booth," I said.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened in there. Half the scientists in this lab heard the yelling." Temperance asked.

"Um I uh- I'd rather not talk about it." I said wiping my nose. They nodded. Then Booth got a call about the current case they were on.

"Ok we have the witness, Naomi I'll text you my address, just bring your stuff over whenever. Come on Bones." He said and I left with them out of her office and told booth I'd bring my stuff over now. I called a taxi and went back home and grabbed a bag. I put a few days worth of clothes and my toothbrush and shower supplies. I heard the door open and I closed my eyes sighing. I wasn't ready to fight again. I knew my leaving would start him off. He was downstairs in the kitchen and I set my bag down and grabbed a few things from around the house.

"What are you doing Naomi?" He asked tired.

"I'm staying somewhere else for a few days." I said lowly and his head shot up.

"So your leaving again?" He said.

"It's only for a few days, I don't want you yelling at me every time you see me." I said.

"What? N-"

"Yes Jack you did, I'm not going to stay here if you can't candle the way I decide to cope." I said and picked up my bag.

"Ya? Where will you go?" He asked sarcastically.

"I don't know maybe out of the country and maybe I won't come back this time," I replied with just as much sarcasm. He was making it more difficult then it needed to be.

"Oh good, maybe you should go to China I think that's far enough away." He retorted. I felt more saddened than before.

"Sounds like a great idea, I wouldn't want to be on the same continent as you, I don't think me or the baby would have survived anyway." I said and I felt his hand pop my cheek. Stumbled back shocked. I looked at Jack and he looked horrified. He stepped toward me. I scrambled back.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled and grabbed my bag.

"Naomi baby, I-I don't know why came over me." He said and I looked away from him.

"You hit me Jack, now I don't think you will get me back, ever." I said and left the house I took his keys and his car. He doesn't deserve this car. I drove around awhile until I felt a buzz on my phone Booths address. I sighed and drove there. I parked and looked in the small rear view mirror and saw my cheek was bruising bad. He really hit me. I said tears came to my eyes and I wiped them. I took out some make up and covered what I could. You could still tell something was there, I walked into the apartment and booth was making dinner.

"Hey." I said and he turned and smiled.

"Hey Bones number 2, welcome to my humble abode the guest bedroom is down to the left. You can put your stuff there. Is spaghetti ok?" He asked I nodded.

"Sounds good." I was relieved he hadn't noticed the bruise. I put my stuff on the bed and went out and he set a plate of food at the table. I sat down in front of him and we ate silently. He looked at me periodically which made me nervous. Soon I think he spotted it.

"Naomi.. what's on your face?" He asked. And my dumb ass responded to quickly.

"Nothing." I stared at my plate and at my food. I saw his hand come up and I flinched. Which he also noticed. He pulled his hand back and got up and went into the kitchen. He grabbed when looked like a paper towel and wet it. He came back and moved a chair close to me And wiped off the make up covering the huge bruise. He gasped.

"Naomi... did.. did Jack do this to you." I looked down.


"Don't you lie to me Naomi. Did Hodgins do this to you." I closed my eyes and refused to let the tears fall. I nodded and he glared st the spot on my face.

"I never took Hodgins for the beating type." He said trying to keep his cool.

"Please Booth don't do anything. It was one time. It won't happen-" he stopped me.

"That's how it starts Naomi. They promise never to hurt you again but soon enough it does happen again and again." Booth said. I shook my head.

Booths pov

"No it was my fault. I said something I shouldn't have and then it happened it was my fault. Please don't do anything." Naomi said she held my arm as if she could stop me anyway. How dare Hodgins lay a hand on her. Her watery eyes and bruised cheek puffed out.

"What happened Naomi?" I asked her.

"I told him I was leaving for a couple days and he got upset. I knew he would but I didn't care. He got nasty about it so I grew nasty about it to. He said I should probably go to the other side of the world and don't bother coming back. Then I said the most horrible thing-" she stopped and sobbed. I rubbed her back.

"You don't have to say anything Naomi. Let's just ice your face so it doesn't get worse." I said calmly. She looked up at me and nodded.

"I'm sorry I'm such a burden." She said. I shook my head.

"No never! You are alway welcome here." I said and smiled. I gave her an ice pack and we sat on the couch. Soon she calmed down and fell asleep. I glared the Tv. Hodgins would not get away with this.

Bones Sister // Jack Hodgins Where stories live. Discover now