"Hi, I'm Edward - her brother. It's nice to meet someone as cute as you, especially since we both apparently bat for the same team." His tongue flicks out for a split second to lick a spot on my wrist and I stare into his bright green eyes, my mouth opening and closing while I struggle to come up with something to say.

What's happening?

"Ah, I'm afraid you can't flirt with this one, he already has his sights set on someone else. You two would make a cute couple though, I'll give you that much."

"Wh - hey! Excuse me, Elizabeth's brother - please unhand me."

With a chuckle, he drops my hand and my arm falls to my side. Avoiding eye contact with the boy, I maneuver my way around him and follow the girl back into her house. I try to ignore Edward - I really do - but do you know how hard that is when I can feel his eyes on the back of my head? Walking faster, I make my way up the stairs and run into the guest bedroom she pointed me to, closing and locking the door behind me.

I can grab my things in the morning. 

"You know, I'm in possession of every key to every door in this house, just for future reference."

...Or, I could collect my stuff now and try to find my way home in the dark, at one in the morning.

Decisions, decisions.

"Edward, leave him alone. Ciel, I was thinking about eating some of the cake I have in the fridge downstairs, would you like to join me? I was only joking about me wanting you to be my boyfriend, if  that's what's making you uncomfortable."

...That's not fair, bribing me with food. Especially sweets.

Rolling my eyes, I unlock the door and forcefully swing it open, staring at the two siblings watching me.

"That's hardly the reason for my discomfort, Elizabeth."

I send a pointed look at her brother, but he just grins at me. Taking a closer look, I won't deny the fact that he is rather attractive, but as it was said earlier - I already like someone else.

Like being an understatement, but let's not focus on that. I'm infatuated with Sebastian, and though her brother may have good looks, there's no way he comes close to a certain black haired male.

Not naming names, but I'm sure you can guess.

After an awkward moment of silence, with Edward's eyes on me the entire time, I clear my throat and look at Elizabeth.

"I heard you say something about cake, so take me to my food, woman."

Both of them laugh, and just like that an easy-going atmosphere replaces the previous one. I still make sure to walk a little further ahead of the boy though as we make our way into the kitchen, just in case.

"So then," He starts as he sits down on the stool next to me, a curious expression on his face. "What's a kid like you doing hanging around with my weird and annoying sister?"

I let out a small laugh at Elizabeth's obvious offense, settling down when she hands me a slice of cake.

"Well, she's sort of helping me out with...something? She's teaching me how to act like...you, I suppose."

Do It Like A Dude (SebaCiel Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now