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okay guys here we go!



The air was a sweet ocean of scents, a perfect blend of lavender and roses. Mum always brought us here for picnics, parties and leisure days. As I jogged down the stoned path way, its marble like features reminded me of a palace I had seen on TV, its smooth rainbow colors attracted so much attention even I almost missed noticing the diamond encrusted furniture and curtains. I find historical sites to be simply magnificent, in them are concealed secrets of renowned men and women of the past, myths turned into legends that were long forgotten until rediscovered by certain bold individuals who aren't afraid to go digging into the past. Sometimes it's best to not let sleeping dogs lie. My thoughts roamed through all the myths I retained to heart, the Greeks and their gods of war, sea and thunder, just to be short. The Egyptians and their Ramses, Romans and their two founders raised by wolves, the Chinese with Ying and Yang but one myth or legend or simply lies, whatever they may be, that captivates me is the universal somewhat cliché belief of ware wolves, witches and wizards, ghosts and vampires. I could almost see the vampires before me, fangs hanging out, wolves with silky fur and born gift of telekinesis, ghosts or spirits seen only through the eyes of the gifted and witches of immense power stored in books and locked away within family archives. Suddenly my nomadic mind was interrupted when I collided with someone; I had forgotten that I was jogging.

"Oh damn I'm so sorry miss are you okay?" he asked politely.

I was practically faced down sprawled on the ground, this was too embarrassing. "Yeah I'm okay I just felt like taking a dive to Mother Earth and greet her." I snapped back, I went on my hands and knees ready to stand when I heard him chuckle...did he just chuckle! I thought lividly.

"It's interesting seeing a lady as yourself create some humor out of this situation, most girls would have stormed off cursing me by now." he said.

"Excuse me? Do I look like a bundle of joy spreading good cheer? Don't answer that and do not call me miss this isn't a conference." I barked crossly.

"Gees I was trying to lighten the mood relax. Here let me help you up" he offered his hand in that romantic movie type of way. I looked up geared on being another girl to curse him and storm off when our eyes locked. His eyes were a deep sea blue, the ones that have dark edges of a hidden dark side. He gazed down at me like a defenseless toddler who's lost in the big city, was it pity or simply guilt for crashing into me? I reached up slipped my hand into his; in that moment it felt like the world was on pause, the two of us were all alone in the universe. I can't believe how cliché my thoughts can be at times.

"Uh thanks I guess" I mumbled. We stood dusting off the little bit of dirt on our clothes, he was around three inches taller than me with a suntanned body that made me think of the beach but it was mid December which meant he probably recently moved here from a sunny place. His thick black hair curled in a complimentary way around his face; though it was a disobedient type of curly, it suited him because it made his eyes bolder. His high cheek bones gave his jaw a slimmer look but that wasn't enough to distract anyone from noticing how set it was, like an immovable rock. He had a sturdy body build, obvious indication of intense workouts. Although his grip on my hand was strong it was simultaneously soft, at this point in my survey of him I was taken aback. Then he smiled, snow white teeth peeked out playfully giving absolute flattery to his dimples. Now that is a million dollar smile, I thought to myself.


"Why are you always going out? We never spend time together anymore" Dalia wined, her face pouting like a four year old pleading for a new toy.

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