Chapter 24: An Unwanted Birthday Present and Confessions

Start from the beginning

Rosabella smiled meekly at him as he handed her the gift. She took the black-covered box in her hands and slowly lifted the lid. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked down at the object within. While Derik knew what it was exactly, she was just discovering this. There was a painted box within the black one that had an intricately carved rose on the lid. The rose was painted red with a green stem. There was what appeared to be a ribbon around the middle of the stem which was painted black. The rest of the box maintained its natural wooden appearance. She lifted the lid of the box and the chorus to "Music of the Night" from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera played. The tears welled in her eyes once again but from joy this time.

"Derik," she gasped out. "I can't believe you found such a beautiful music box for me."

"I didn't find it; I made it," he corrected with the semblance of a smirk gracing his distorted features.

"You made this?" she asked in disbelief.

"I did, do you like it?"

"I love it, Derik!" Her smile widened as she realized how much she truly meant to him. She didn't care if they were four years apart or what her father would say, she had to tell him. "Derik, I need to tell you something."

"Would you mind if I go first? I also have something to tell you and fear I won't say it if I don't say it now."

"Go ahead."

He pulled the chair closer to the bed and took her hands in his as he sat down. "Meine Rose," he began while looking her in the eyes, "these past months we have spent together have meant the world to me. I never realized that I desperately needed a friend closer to me in age until I met you. I only recently realized that you not only gave me friendship but have given me hope of loving someone and being loved in return. I had been led to believe that I'd never find someone due to my appearance and how my parents treated me. I now know that I can love someone; my only question is if you feel the same?"

Her eyes widened at his question. Was she hearing him correctly? "What exactly do you mean, Derik?"

He glanced down briefly before meeting her gaze again. "I love you, meine Rose. Do you love me?"

"You love me?" she asked. It was like a dream to hear him say that; she didn't want it to be a dream.

"How could I not? You have brought light to my darkness, joy to my despair, hope to my self-loathing. While you were asleep, I realized I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you and I didn't tell you how I felt." Tears started forming in Derik's eyes now as he was met with silence. Fear crossed his features as doubtful thoughts took root in his mind. Would she reject him? Had he been wrong in telling her? The silence was then interrupted when he heard her giggling. "What's so funny? Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing because I never thought this day would come." This caused Derik to tilt his head with his brows furrowing. Seeing this, Rosabella reached out her hand to cup his cheek. "I love you, too, Derik."

Joy overcame them both as he stood up and embraced her. She pulled away a bit and looked into his eyes. She couldn't believe that he loved her too. It was as if all of her dreams were coming true, one dream at a time. And this was all thanks to him. If she had never met him, then he wouldn't have offered to give her singing lessons and she wouldn't have been cast as Ariel. Most of all, she wouldn't have met this wonderful man that seemed to truly understand her and knew her in a way that Maddie had never bothered to try. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. A rush of air on her cheek let her know that he was surprised as he gasped through his nose. Her eyes closed as she wrapped her good arm around his neck. His arms tightened around her waist as he slowly surrendered himself to the kiss. Their lips began to move in sync as they became more confident in the kiss. The moment was interrupted by Rory opening the door. They quickly pulled away from one another with a light blush dusting their cheeks.

"Papa!" Rosabella exclaimed.

"Was I interrupting something?" her father asked with a smirk. Her blush worsened at his words. He chuckled at his daughter's reaction. "I'm just happy you finally told each other. Frau Garrett and Mrs. Pamplin will most definitely want to know which one of them won the bet."

"What bet?" Derik and Rosabella asked in unison.

"Oh, we placed bets on when you guys would tell each other how you feel. It was obvious to everyone but you two. I'll have to fish out twenty bucks to give to Frau Garrett; she bet you guys would say something near Rosabella's birthday."

"Twenty! You bet twenty dollars that we would confess our feelings after my birthday?! Papa!" Rosabella exclaimed. Rory quickly ducked out of the room before she could throw a pillow at him. She turned back to Derik after her father's retreat to find him smiling. "What are you smiling at?"

"You. You never cease to amaze me or remind me of how you make me feel," he whispered as he leaned down towards her. She smiled as his lips met hers again. She felt happy as thoughts of what the future held danced through her mind. 

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