Part 2

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Please not that dialogues/comments/thoughts starting with "Okay!" is RK's inner voice.

RK with his heart pounding: Hello?
Okay! Awesome start Rishabh Kundra! You sound like a frog!
Madhu : Hi, this is Madhu... can I speak to Neev please?
RK takes a deep calming breath: Hi Madhu, this is Neev speaking.
Madhu: Hi Neev, actually your Dad asked me to give you a call.
RK: Oh okay.
Madhu : Okay.
RK: Madhu, I am sorry I couldn't call you before; I was a little busy with getting settled and meeting up my friends. I was planning to call you today.
Madhu: I thought so... and no need to apologize.
RK : Okay.
Madhu: hmm okay.
RK was totally clueless on what to say just like Madhu.
RK: Okay
Okay! Great going Rishabh Kundra.
Madhu had no idea what to say, so she just said what she has been saying for so long: Okay.
RK : Oookay.
Okay! You should write a book on, "101 things to say when you are in an embarrassing situation". 1) Okay. 2) Oh Okay 3) Oookay. Great going champ! Only 98 more left. By the end of the conversation you will have all 101, if not more, ways of saying "Okay".
Shut up!! You start your every conversation with "Okay!"
Okay! That's my style.
Madhu embarrassed: o boy! This is so embarrassing.
RK starts grinning: I know.
Madhu giggles.
RK chuckles.
Madhu silent.
RK silent.
Madhu waiting for "Neev" to say something.
RK waiting for Madhu to say something.
Madhu is still silent.
RK is still silent.
Madhu is still waiting for Neev to speak.
RK is still waiting for Madhu to speak.
Madhu wondering whether Neev hung up.
RK wondering whether Madhu hung up.
Madhu and RK together: You there?
Madhu and RK start laughing.
Madhu: Hmmm...So?
RK: So?
Okay! Great going PARROT!!!
Madhu : Is there anything you want to ask or tell me?
RK: I think you have a beautiful smile.
Okay! Where the hell did that come from???
I don't know.
Madhu: Er... thanks you. Even I think you have a cute smile.
RK : Thank you... have you seen me?
Madhu: Your Dad gave me your picture.
Okay! Obviously Dad would have given it! You are an idiot RK! But no problem and no need to worry as she thinks you are Neev!
RK : Oh okay... which photo is that?
Madhu: The one with your brother.
RK: With my brother?
Okay! Relax! So what if she has seen your photo? Stop getting excited.
Madhu : Yeah, you are wearing a blue shirt and he is wearing a black shirt.
RK: Oh. The one in Bangkok?
Madhu: Yeah.
RK: So what do you think about my brother?
Okay! Have you lost it? And why the hell would she think anything about you???
Madhu : Huh??Your brother?
Okay! She is shocked. So far, great going! You deserve a standing ovation.
RK: Yeah.
Madhu: O boy.
Was he THAT BAD???? He knew that he should have combed his hair! But still WAS HE THAT BAD????
Okay! I have no idea, since half your face was covered with your gelled-thus-no-need-to-comb-hair
Madhu: O boy... hmmm... (hesitantly) he is good.
Okay! That cleared your doubt! You were bad! Don't ever comb your hair!
It was too windy, that's why my hair got messed up. I had gelled it properly.
Okay! Blame it on nature! One day, you are going to wake up and find a bee hive on your head Mr Rishabh-I-am-allergic-to-combs-Kundra.
RK : I don't know you all that well, but I can bet that was not what you wanted to say.
Madhu: O boy! Can I tell you later?
RK confused: Later?
Madhu: yeah, after we get to know each other a little better.
RK : Okay.
Madhu: thanks.
RK: Then?
Madhu: I talked to your brother today.
RK: Yeah I know!
Madhu: How do you know?
RK: I was on the phone with him when you had called.
Madhu: Oh!!
RK didn't know what to say now, then he remembered what Madhu had asked him, decided to ask her the same thing: So, is there anything that you want to ask me or tell me?
Madhu was silent for some time: O boy!
RK smiles, he liked the way she kept saying "O boy": What happened?
Madhu: There were lots of things I wanted to ask you, and tell you. But nothing is coming to my mind now.
RK chuckles: No problem, may be the next time we talk you can ask me.
Okay! NEXT TIME???? So you decided to go with Neev's plan???And do you really think she is going to call you again?
Madhu: yeah... then?
RK: Hmmm you are studying right?
Madhu : Yeah, final year, I am in Ayesha's college.
RK surprised: I didn't know you knew Ayesha.
Madhu: I didn't. We bumped into each other in the college canteen yesterday. And she recognized me, as she had seen my picture when your brother was checking me out. (laughs) That's what she said.
Okay! Be glad that she didn't see you drooling after Madhu.
I was not drooling, I was just imagining how she will look with Neev.
Okay! Neev the hollow man! But didn't know you could see invisible people.
Oh! Just Shut up!
RK started blushing: I was not... I mean bhai was not checking you out. He was just seeing your photo that's it.
Madhu laughs: Yeah, I guessed that much.
RK: Then, what else did she tell you?
Madhu: That you are a shaithaan.
RK was shocked, then realized that she was talking about Neev : Yeah at times.
Madhu: Yeah, then she told me how your brother pampers you and he calls you 'Neevu', at times, and how you hate it.
That somehow made me sound tooo old. AND Neev just acts as if he hates it, but the truth is he loves it when I cals him Neevu!!! And I call him Neevu only once in a while!
Okay! Do I look like I even care????
RK: Man, Ayesha talks too much.
Madhu: Hehehe I liked her.
RK: We all love her, but still she talks too much.
Madhu: She told me that we are going to be best of friends.
Oh God!
Note to self: Have a talk with Ayesha, about what all she can tell Madhu.
Okay! And what are you going to tell her when she asks you why do you care so much about what she tells Madhu?
Note to self: Ask Neev to talk to Ayesha.
Okay! Of all the people Neev??? Neev - the prankster???
Note to self: Supervise the conversation.
Madhu: She has invited me home.
Note to self: Voice conferencing with Ayesha and Neev- TODAY!
RK: That's great. Then, did she say anything else about my brother or me?
Madhu: Hmmm that your brother is a sweetheart.
RK starts blushing: Thank you.
Madhu: Not you, your brother.
RK embarrassed: oh!
Madhu laughs.
RK tries to defend himself, and remembers what Neev said: My brother and I are two bodies and one soul.
Okay! That didn't sound gay at all.
Madhu bursts out laughing: I am sorry, but that was so cheesy.
RK grins: I know.
Madhu: You and your brother are very close right?
RK : Yeah very close. He is the best brother one can ever get.
RK remembers all the time Neev fought with their mother for him.
RK: He has always been there for me. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Madhu: I don't know you all that well, but by the way you are talking and in your voice, I could really feel the love you have for your brother.
RK didn't know what to say to that, so he just remained silent.
Madhu : O boy! I shouldn't have said that, it made me sound like a 50 year old.
RK chuckles: but it felt nice.
Madhu: Oh then its fine.
RK: Why do you keep saying O boy?
Madhu: No idea, I think I heard someone use it once, and I liked it and started saying it and now I can't seem to stop it.
RK : Ok.
Madhu: My mom hates it.
RK: I kinda find it cute.
Madhu: Hehehehe my mom says that people are gonna think that I love boys that's why I keep saying O boy!
RK laughs: And what do you tell her?
Madhu grins: Now everyone knows what my preference is.
RK starts laughing: So are you saying that I should start saying O girl, just to be on the safe side.
Okay! If you ask me, you should say that for the rest of your life, after that two bodies and one soul dialogue.
No one is asking you anything! Please keep quiet.
Madhu laughs: It wouldn't hurt to be on the safe side.
RK: O girl!
RK and Madhu start laughing.
Madhu: Neev, I have to hang up now.
RK: Oh!
RK didn't understand why he was feeling disappointed that they were going to end their conversation.
Madhu : I will call you later?
RK: Yeah sure.
Madhu: It was fun talking to you.
RK: I had a great time talking to you.
Madhu: Bye Neev.
RK: Madhu?
Madhu: Yeah?
RK; Can you give me your cell number? I think I lost your number.
Okay! What the hell do you think you are doing Rishabh Kundra??

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- Lazy

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