The new bar paradox

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Jim's POV:
As I sat there staring at her shirt, I realized that it was awkward according to the way her cheeks were turning rosy red. Crap.. what am I supposed to do? Maybe I should introd-

"I see you like Captain Kirk as much as I do."

"I-uh... yeah." What the heck?! I can do better than that! Say something nice back. "Thanks for the coffee idea earlier. I enjoyed it this morning." That was smooth! I'm so proud of myself.

"Oh that was nothing. Just trying to help the fellow residents of Pasadena."  

I couldn't help but laugh at her comment. Looking around, I noticed that my coworkers were laughing and awing at the scene that was occurring in front of them. This is going pretty well even though I don't want them to think I have some sort of 'feelings' for this random new girl. Then, before I could speak, Kaley decided to talk. Maybe I need to learn to speak up.

"Hey Belle! After the shooting, the cast is supposed to be going to this new bar that opened yesterday. Would you care to join us?" Everyone agreed by nodding and hand gestures.

"Oh that's very sweet of you guys to ask, but I don't want to intrude since the cast going and I'm just in charge of taking pictures for a few days. Plus, I'm still a stranger to you guys. For all you know, I may even be a serial killer." 

"I highly doubt that." Simon mentioned.

 "You wouldn't be intruding because we all discussed it while you and Jim were flirting with one another."  Kunal blurted out and realized what he just said was uncalled for.


"Excuse me? I uh we w-were not flirting. Flirting is weird and I don't think flir-" I was cut off by Kayley.

"Yeah yeah yeah. You totally were. Isn't that right Belle?"

"Huh? uh......" oh no. Kaley totally ruined the slightest chance of me even being able to become friends with Belle. Great.... "I'm so sorry for this. You seem nervous Jim and well, I am just going to head out." no....please don't leave. I want to get to know you and talk to you and-

"What?! You can't leave! You have to hangout with us at the new bar!!" Simon said as I was interrupted by my thoughts. I gotta love Simon for helping me out.

"Yeah! At least have one drink and hangout for at least 30 minutes." Mayim added. 

Everyone put their attention on Belle as if she were in the spotlight in order to convince her to go with us. I, on the other hand, was staring at her big eyes. They were starting to control me when all of the sudden, she looks over at me and her mouth starts moving. Crap! She's talking to me and I'm too focused on her eyes that I didn't hear what she said. 

"What did you say?"

"I said what do you think I should do?"

"Well, it would be nice to have someone new to talk to and I can thank you for the coffee situation." I'm on a roll with what to say now... interesting. Why can't I stop bringing up the coffee situation.

"Haha okay. Well, the coffee situation was nothing but I'll take that offer." 

Everyone cheered and had smiles on their faces to see that I had a chance to have someone in my life. She was affecting me already. 


Once we arrived at the bar, the gang separated into three small groups: The girls went one way, the boys went another way, and they stuck me and Belle in a booth to chat by ourselves. 

"We will be back soon so you guys have a chance to get to know one another." Johnny yelled in my ear over the loud music. At first it was awkward between us until Belle finally broke it.

"I don't really drink so I have no idea what to order. I'm a weirdo so I'm sorry." 

"Wait... really?! Me either! I find it pointless to intoxicate one's body. Plus, I don't like how it burns my throat."

"OH my gosh! That's how I think haha!"

"So, what do you enjoy doing?" 

Within the small chat we had, I was starting to get a fond of Belle and she was already ten times better than most of the females Kayley has tried to set me up with. Maybe there was someone worth living for. As I continued staring at her, all of the sudden, Belle grabbed her cellphone to answer an incoming call. I didn't think much about it nor listened into the conversation until I heard her say a male's name. I began to freak out. She could have a  boyfriend or worse, be married to someone and I don't even know. I'm such a stupid du-


That's strange. Another male name th- oh... Is she trying to get my attention?


"Are you okay? You look like you want to punch someone." I do! I want to punch your husband/boyfriend.

"What? no.... Why would I?" 

"I don't know silly. Anyways, sorry. My brother doesn't know when to call and when to not call." Oh dear!! That made me feel a bit relieved.

"So, that wasn't your boyfriend?"

"What? Boyfriend?! HAHA!! Jim, I am single and if I were in a relationship, I wouldn't have come here and talk to JUST you." Wow, she got even more attractive... "Wait.. Do you have a girlfriend?" 

"Me? No.. I haven't had time to date someone who was actually worth dating." She giggled at my statement then started to look upset. "Oh! No, you are actually worth talking to and maybe even dating if you would also like that? Plus, we could get to know each other and-"

"Jim, I would lik-" Before she could finish her statement, Kayley came out of nowhere and interrupted her.

"JIMMY BOY!!!! I LOVE YOU YA BIG GOOF" OH dear... she's drunk. 


After everyone went their separate ways, Belle began to walk back to her car. As she got in, she realized that her car wouldn't start. She thought she was stranded until she saw me walking over to my car. I saw her and smiled as I walked over towards her. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her.

"No, my car won't start."

"Well, I could give you a ride if you wouldn't mind." 

"Sure! I would greatly appreciate it."

As we both got into my car and drove to her house, I continued to ask her questions and vice versa to get to know each other. Once we arrived to her house, I was about to begin to say goodbye when all of the sudden she spoke first. 

"I know this is going to sound really weird but..... would you like to come in for a cup of coffee?" 


"Oh... I'm sorry. Too early to ask. I'm just not us-"



"Yes, I would love to come in and share a cup of coffee with you Belle."

Smiling, we both decided that this was the perfect day to begin a relationship.

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