The Grocery Store Collision

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As Jim was walking into the store, he knew he would have to keep his identity to a low minimum because he was indeed an actor. People would probably recognize him and there may even be the chance of crazy fangirls. Now, even though he did enjoy his fans and all, Jim just wasn't in the right mood today and just needed to shop. Grabbing a shopping cart, Jim began with the coffee and tea aisle.
"Let's see. What kind of coffee do I want to get this time?" He sat there for a split second not knowing what he wanted. As he was deciding, just a few steps away towards the door, there walked in Belle. She just needed to go in and out because she was still exhausted from working so hard. She knew to head on down the snack aisle first while she was not hungry. Making her way down aisle five, she found the aisle both amazing yet intimidating.
How much money could she spend and what did she really need... well, peanut butter was a necessity. She only grabbed a few snacks and then she realized that she also needed dairy products. This was going to take a while, she thought to herself. Heading on down to grab a gallon of milk, Belle also remembered that she needed coffee. This maybe her only chance until next week when she would come here again. As she headed down the aisle, there she spotted a tall man who looked very confused on what coffee to get. Thank goodness the aisle wasn't crowded because that would've been a pain in the rear end. She knew exactly what she wanted from the coffee section and as she continued to glance at the man next to her, she realized that he was at an impasse with his choice of coffee. Giving it a good run through in her head, she finally decided to help the poor man out. Jim was so focused on his decision on whether he was getting dark roast Folgers or special blend Dunkin' Donuts, that he didn't even notice a girl next to him. That is, until she opened her mouth and spoke a wise choice of words. 

"Um, if you don't mind me helping you out, I'd get the dark roast folgers because you get more out of it, it's affordable, and taste great with a few Oreos. But hey, it's just my opinion." Glancing at her, Jim was what most would say helpless. He couldn't stop staring into her eyes... oh no, this was surely awkward. He needed to concentrate and talk back. Hurry Jim... Think of something to say before she freaks out.
"Oh. That is um very uh... helpful. Thanks." He put back the other one and began to stick his coffee in his cart. This girl was so beautiful but like before, Jim didn't have time to eat or sleep, let alone date a girl! Plus, he didn't even know her. For all, she could be a pychopath or murderer. Pushing these rude thoughts out of his mind, Jim regretted thinking that just now. As he smiled, gave a nod and walked away, the girl accelerated her cart until she was right in front of him.
"Um, your welcome. By the way, I like your Darth Vader shirt." She complemented his Star Wars t-shirt as she walked away smiling as well. How could someone do that without letting him say thanks? This caused Jim to feel warmth growing inside and even formed a smile. Man, she was going to be on his mind for a while now, but the sad part was he didn't even catch her name. Well, she never did try to throw it either. Now, he may never get the chance to see her again. Clearing his mind of the earlier collision, Jim headed to the cash register to check out.

Belle couldn't believe what just happened earlier. The man was very handsome and she didn't slur nor freak out like she normally would have to a hot guy. This was very odd but she simply ignored that thought as she continued her shopping. It's sad that she didn't ask for his name, but it wouldn't matter because she would probably never see him again.

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