~Chapter Seventeen~

Start from the beginning

"I agree, there are possibly 16 ways this could go wrong." Zane calculated and you all sigh. "Well let's pick which plan and fast because we waste time standing here." Lloyd says. "I guess we could go with this one. Nothing's wrong with trying. There might be room for improvement along the way." Nya said and you all nodded in agreement.

"Let's begin then. Mom and Sensei, I'll stay here with you two so we can get these people into escape pods. The rest of you try to get the aliens on earth back up here. Be the distraction while we get people off. You guys have me on comms unit so give us the signal when it's time." Lloyd instructed and you all nodded.

"Everyone be careful! We've experienced what they can do." Sensei Wu says and you all not again. "We'll be careful Sensei Wu. Especially me, since I am not capable of fighting..." you say with a nervous smile.

"I'll protect you. I promise." Zane tells you with a smile. "Alright, split up." Cole said and you all did so.


"So, what you're saying is, the best way to distract everyone so we can get all humans back on earth...is to talk to the leader!?" Jay recapped with surprise. "Yes, if we can convince her to get her people off our planet and onto the ship, then we're good from there!" Zane said as you all ran.

"Annddd how exactly are we going to convince her!?" Nya asks. "Weren't you the one who said we needed to add improvements as we go?! That's sort of what I'm doing!" "Improv guys! That's the only way!" Jay said and you sigh at the plan that was coming along.

"We're here. Just be cautious." Zane says and you all nod. Kai and Cole took out the two guards in front of the control room door and you all bursted in. The aliens who were in that control room began coming your way. The ninja got in a fighting stance ready to fight while you got ready to use the gauntlet as Zane tightly held your hand.

"Stand down! Don't you know, guests when you see them!" You all heard a voice from the captain's chair. The aliens stopped and returned back to their stations. An alien woman got up from the chair and looked at you all with a smirk. You were surprised to see that she wasn't upset at you all. This read trap all over.

"Oh look, now the whole team is here! Where's the adults and the green one?" "They uh, couldn't make it! One of your aliens killed them on the way here! So we're here for payback!" Kai improvs which you had to admit was good.

"I don't see how you all could stop us! After all, the plan is almost complete. Soon your planet will be ours!" "Who are you anyways!?" Jay asks and she evilly chuckles. "I am, Leader." You all looked between each other confused.

"Leader of....what?" Jay asked again. "Leader!" "Okay, but leader of what?" "It's just leader!" "So you're the leader of the Tracreg is basically what you're saying?" "Yes, but I am leader!!!" "But isn't that a rank?? So before you were the leader what were you called though?! Second in command?!" "ENOUGH!!" She yells and the room turns dead silent.

"Great Job, Jay.." Cole whispered and jay glared at him. "I agree! Enough with all that! So what I wanna know, and the others might agree with me on this too but, what exactly is your plan?" Nya said.

Leader evilly smirked, "Its quite simple! The traceis shapeshift into you humans and switch them out. Once all the humans are on the mothership, all of us should be down there! And of course the best part, the ship will self destruct." You all gasp at the plan, they had to be stopped!

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