~Chapter Two~

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Ninjago Present Day

"Is there anything I can get for you Mr. Borg?" You ask Cyrus. You were his new assistant that he chose as soon as you applied for the job. It's been a great 3 months so far. "Just a coffee. Oh! French roast with-" "The cream not too over done and a teaspoon of sugar." You finish for him with a smile. "Haha yes Kirstin. You always know what I need!" Cyrus says with a grin and you nod and leave his office.

While you were gone, the ninja were trying to understand the new threat they were faced with. "Ugh! Our database doesn't have anything beyond our galaxy!" Nya says with frustration. "How do they expect us to 'just go fight them ourselves' if we can't get research about them?!" Cole said folding his arms. "Pixal has some of Borg's data and it's better than-" Zane starts but stops when he sees Pixal coughing.

"Are you okay?" He asks her. Pixal glitches making Zane twitch and his gears to start overwhelming him. "Z-zane.." Pixal says and stops glitching. "Zane I think the better question is...are you okay?" Kai asked him concerned for his friend. "Somethings W-wrong with Pixal." He says catching his breath.

"If we take her neural drive and put it into the computer's hard drive, maybe I could see what's wrong?" Jay said. "Let him." Pixal said before coughing again. "Pixal says, it's okay." Jay nods at Zane then presses the button on the back of his friend's head and Pixal's drive comes out. Zane blinks his eyes a couple times to refocus back to his normal vision now that pixal was no longer in his head.

Jay puts her drive into the computer's hard drive and she pops up on the screen. "I-i am...S-sick. N-need to see...Cyrus." She tells them while glitching. The keyboard fries up and the hard drive sparks and emits smoke. Jay quickly takes her now hot drive and frowns and hands it back to Zane, almost burning his hands. "She's got a virus. She's right, She should see Cyrus about this. But! Ya know while we're there maybe Cyrus could help us out on our little situation?" He says trying to lighten up the mood.

"Then to Cyrus, we will go." Sensei says. In the meantime, Misako and Nya will go down to the Ninjago Space Center to ask for their assistance and knowledge with what we're dealing with." Sensei says. "Yup! Good luck with Borg guys. We'll call if we find anything." Nya says and Misako nods and follows Nya onto the deck of the bounty. She summons her dragon and they both go off.


You exit the elevator now with Cyrus' coffee. You enter his office to see the ninja there! And a robot girl on the computer screen. "I'll have to take her in for awhile, she does indeed have a virus. But, don't worry Zane, I'm sure it's nothing I can't look into." Cyrus says and ejects the drive. "Thank you Cyrus. For now I'll use my operating system I had before." The titanium ninja says.

You clear your throat and everyone turns around to see you. You walk over to Cyrus and hand him his coffee. "Your French roast, Mr. Borg." You say as he gets it from you. "Thank you! I'm afraid you all haven't met my new assistant! This is Kirstin." He introduces. "Kirstin that's Kai, Cole, Lloyd, Jay, Sensei Wu, and Zane." "Hi." You greet them. 'Hi's' and 'Hello's' came from all of them. You couldn't help but...look at the titanium ninja, and he couldn't help but exchange a look back.

There was just...something about him that looked intriguing to you. "So, can you help us Cyrus?" Sensei Wu asks, making you look away from your stare. "Help with what?" You couldn't help but wonder. "They're here because of this." Cyrus says and plays a recent news report about Aliens in Ninjago. When it ends he pause it again. "Extra terrestrial life forms?" You say and he nods. "And boys I think I know just who can help!"

"Who?" They all ask. Cyrus points to you and your eyes widen. "M-me? But Mr. Borg don't you wanna-" "Nope! You have far more knowledge on space and aliens then I ever would have! And besides, I have to stay here and fix pixal. This is my assignment to you." You nod your head, well, he was your boss and you kinda were getting paid for this. "Yes, Mr. Borg." You said then looked towards everyone else. "It'll be a pleasure working with you all! I hope my help will benefit you guys." "I'm sure it will, welcome to our team...Kirstin." Zane said to you with a friendly smile.

A/n: OMG this story is gonna be really good I'm feeling it as I'm writing it! XD :D this book is gonna have a little bit of a different writing style as I'm trying something new! So bare with me as I make it up as I go xD anywho, Comment whatcha think and Vote if you liked it! :)

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