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I want to do commissions and prints!! So here are a few Qs for y'all

1. How much is my art worth (in USD)?

2. Would you pay for my art?

3. Would you prefer traditional art mailed to you, traditional art scanned, touched up and e-mailed to you, or digital art e-mailed to you?

4. Would you buy prints of my art?

5. What else would you buy with my art on it?

Yah I'm probably getting way ahead of myself...

But I like money!! >:0

I'm just not sure how paying would work out,, I'd probably need a PayPal. Would u be able to pay to a debit card? I have a debit card

Also I've heard from someone who does commissions that u need to download tons of social media and they said that Instagram is SUPER helpful

My parents would never let me get Instagram lol
Should I ask on like my 14th birthday or should I ask now????

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