Peter Pan's Hideout

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We spoke no more of the black box in my possession, nor of it's contense for the remainder of the day as we wandered through the trees, looking for a place to rest. When finding no where suitable we simply sat down to rest until we decided to continue. "We could always rest at an inn for the night" Mershada said as the moon woke from it's slumber in the sky. "No, we must hold our coins for necessities as food and water." I told her, sorry for the extreme measures I was taking. Behind us, I heard a stick break under pressure of a foot and whirled around to find the woods behind us vacant. "What?" she asked turning after me to look, and she saw no one as well. "I see no one" she said turning to continue through the woods as I joined her.

Soon after I heard it again. I spun on my wheels but again, saw no one. "What is in your head, Quinn? Are you mad?" she asked turning with me. I contemplated on agreeing with her, but saw a little girl's blonde hair run from tree to tree. I stepped to the side trying to see around the tree of where she stopped but could not. "I've deign to see a blonde haired squirrel in the woods before." I called to her small form behind the tree. When she didnt move I called to her again. "well are you going to say hello or shall I?" I asked. Slowly, she stepped out from the cover of the tree, looking at her feet shyly. I smiled in triumph as I saw her. "Hello" I called to her once more. "Hello" I heard her mumble, still staring at her feet. I took a small step toward her and she ran to hide behind the tree again. "I've no meaning to harm you" I said stepping back. She slowly stepped out again and looked up at me this time. I noticed Mershada staring at the little blonde haired girl with interest. "My name is Quinn." I said softly, "What should I call you?" she was silent until looked up to the trees.

Before I could follow her gaze, Mershada and I was ambushed from above. We were both pulled to the ground before we could speak a word. A man came up to me with a spear in his hand, holding it to my throat. "Speaking your purpose." he said quickly. I was too shocked to answer him, so he yelled, "Find your tongue!" I began quickly, "Quinn of Raidel, we're just passing, simply looking for a place to rest for the night." I managed to studer out. He gave me a longing look and backed away his spear on my throat. He nodded and the ones holding Mershada and I down stood and backed away quietly. "Forgive me. I presumed you to be one of the King's men." he apologized. "I am not among them." I said shaking my head. "then your are welcome here." he chuckled and held out his hand for us to follow them. "Lord Merek has ordered soldiers to search these woods for men like us. He calls us savage as swine." I chuckled as he paused. "I know the feeling" i said before he began again, "So if you value your life, you might as well leave." he warned heavily.

"I do not fear the king any longer." I said gravely. Mershada who had remained silently spoke up now, "Why would any one fear the king now? He has so control over us. He cares not of where we live or what we do. He's only concern is filling his purse and his wine glass." she said gaining murmurs of agreement from the people around us. "And you know this to what end?" the man asked, suspicious of her knowledge. "Because I've spent the last many years being a servant at his feet. I do not honor him any longer with wine and coin." she said holding her head up. "And how did you escape?" he asked still weary of her. She looked to me to continue her story. "Years ago, I was King Mark's most honored musician and dearest friend. Sitting at his right hand at all the honored dinner and accompanying him on my of is journeys. But when Merek came, he saw me as a threat to over throw him, so his stuck me in the dungeon out of his way. One of the prison guards helped me escape, free Mershada and now we're are wandering the woods for shelter." The man spoke right up after me, "So you desire a home then?" "I desire only a place to rest our heads, a place to sleep with a absence of my dreams." I said remembering the dream I had just the night before.

Slowly, he nodded and led us to a group of small houses, hidden in the deep brush of the woods. "You may sleep here tonight." he said motioning to a small cottage to our right. "Thank you" I said nodding to him with gratitude. As we entered the small cottage, Mershada set her satchel down and lit the candel on the table. "My name is Pan. If you need me I rest in the cottage to the left." he said making his leave.

"So," Mershada began after he was out off ear shot, "Did your friend tell you anything about the disks before you were so rudely interrupted by the King's soldiers?" she said unstrapping her sandals.

"She spoke of the Fountain of Merlin and getting the disks to it, but for what purpose.. I am unsure." I said taking the box from her satchel and hiding it safely underneath my bed. "Until morning then." she said sighing, laying down to rest. "Until then" I said blowing out the candle, letting the darkness to engulf our small chamber. "Until then" I whispered once more before allowing my dreams to engulf me as well.

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