Old Friends Bring Old.. Circles?

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Quinn's POV

When I woke the next morning, I found Mershada already awake going through her satchel I didn't notice she had with her. "It's just some things I gathered quickly before we left." she stared seeing me watching her as I propped myself up on one elbow. "we should go into town and get some food." she said standing. "But we've no coin" I said plainly standing with her. She dug in her satchel and pulled out 15 gold pieces. She saw my widened eyes and explained. "It's just something I came across while reordering the King's chambers. I doubt he will miss it much." she said with a smile as we walked together.

As we made our way into town I thought of some of my old friends. I hadn't seen any of them in so long. I guess being locked in a dungeon for 4 years takes up most of your time. I wondered if I would be fortunate enough to see them in the market today. "Here" Mershada said handing me 7 of her 15 gold pieces. "Hold them safely. There are many theifs in this town" she warned before going her own way. I nodded gratefully before she left and hurried them deep into my robe, torn and dirty from the dungeon and the night in the woods.

I went to the market to buy a new robe and cloak, and some bread. Once I had bought my new linens and filled my stomach I set out to find a specific old friend of mine. I asked around to the local merchants, careful to steer away from the kings servants I had heard about in my cell. I shivered at the thought to having to go back in that cell again. I valued my freedom very highly now.

I slipped the hood of my cloak off my head as I stepped up to the back door of their home. When I knocked on the door I heard an old woman answer from behind the closed door. "Speak your name and your business, quickly." she said her voice breaking in between her words. "Quinn of Raidel. i am here to speak with an old friend." I said warmly to her. Slowly, the door opened to reveal a woman of an old age standing in the doorway smiling at me. "Oh my boy" she said coming up to hug me. As I was in her embrace I couldn't help but feel at home again. "where are my manners. Come in and make your self welcome, my boy."

As we sat down in her home she just stared at me for the longest time. "Forgive me, child. You just have grown up to be such a handsome young man" she said her hand laying over her old heart. "And you, a fine lady of your age" I said smiling, "But I come here barring a favor to ask of you as well. What can you tell me of what has happened since I've been gone?" I asked, leaning in to listen more carefully.

"Much more than I'd like to admit, my boy. This kingdom has plunder since Merek took control. I'm afraid to say he has destroyed a lot of what his brother King Mark had built up. Numerous villages and towns just as this one lay in ruin now. But what troubles my mind is that Merek's servants have grown numerous but have been mostly dormant of late." she paused as if thinking on her words for a moment, "Oh my boy, I have something important to give you. Would fetch that black woven boxed on that far table for your old friend?" she asked laughing a little at the pun. As I stood to get it I heard soldier's shuffling feet behind the door.

Suddenly they burst the door open and drew their swords at me and Maria. I stepped in front of her protectively as she rose slowly from her seat, trying to step out from behind me. She never was intimidated much by the soldier's dazzling armor and sharp razor blaze swords. "My boy, you must find the Fountain of Merlin and use the disks before Merek gets them. You must stop his rule before the whole kingdom plummets with him." she whispered into my ear before the soldiers charged me. I quickly and carefully got Maria out of the way before grabbing the black box. "Go! And don't forget what I told you, my boy!" Maria yelled before I jumped out the door and fled through the town scanning the crowd for Mershada.

The next thing I know, Mershada is at my side as i tuck the box underneath my cloak and we're both running to the trees from the soldiers. Again. As we find a safe and secure place to rest, I slowly pull up the black box and examine it. I felt Mershada stiffen beside me and look over at her to see her starring wide eyed at the box. "Where did you find that?" she asked. "An old friend" I said slowly, she was probably in the soldiers hands now because of me. "Why do you seem so stunned?" I asked her still staring at the box. "What is it holding?" she asked ignoring my previous question. "Im uncertain. I have yet to open it." I thought back to Maria's words about the Fountain of Merlin having to do with some type of disks. "Do you know anything of a Fountain of Merlin?" I asked bewildered at what it meant. She leaned back against the tree trunk still breathing heavily from running. "I had once heard of an old fountain called the Fountain of Merlin spoken by Merek. Why do you ask?" she said looking back at the box. When I didn't answer she begged, "please open the box Quinn, I must know what it holds."

Slowly, I opened it, revealing 6 black disks. Small enough to barely fit in my hand. They were round like rocks, but when I felt them their texture was of silk. I heard Mershada gasp quietly beside me. "It is what I thought then" she said, leaving it at that. "What is your meaning? Speak your mind" I said. She paused the began, slowly. "They are the 6 Merlin circles."

Circles of QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now