Fourteen - New Knowledge

Start from the beginning

Lea looks at me and I see a mixture of apprehension and hesitance in her eyes. "Girlie, you really need to talk to Nick about that, okay? Honestly, if I told you anything I would be stepping to far into something that's really not any of my business." 

I nod, looking down. "Yea, I understand." I look out the window. 

What if we were having problems? 


When Lea and I get home we park and the boys are waiting at the curb to help us with the groceries. Nick pulls open my door and I smile up at him wearily, thinking about the magazine covers and all those stories that I don't really know are true or not. I'm definitely going to need to talk to him and sort everything out. 

He smiles back at me and takes my hand, kissing it. He then pulls me along with him and we start walking down the street. "We aren't going to help them?" I ask, looking back. 

Nick smiles. "No, they got it covered. Lea texted me and said that you and I really need to talk so that's what were going to do. There's this Ice-Cream shop down the street called Frankie's." I look at him and he laughs. "I know. Frankie got a kick out of it too, when he comes here he's constantly going there saying he owns the place. I swear he almost got us kicked out of there one day because he kept asking the owner to give him a fifty percent cut." I laugh loudly, and Nick smiles. 

"That does sound like something he would do. I would love to meet.." I trail off, "I already have met him haven't I?" 

Nick nods. "Many, many times. Frankie absolutely adores you. I think he loves you more than he loves any of his family actually." I laugh. 

"Sure." I say, sarcasm thick in my voice. 

He turns to me just as we enter the Ice-Cream place, holding the door open for me, "I'm serious! Do you want me to call him? I will. I'll call him right now. Do you know he has you on freaking speed dial? That kid is obsessed with you, I swear." 

I laugh for the third time and smile at him. "Now you're just over exagerrating." 

He smiles, "Okay maybe a little with the last part, but he really does love you. Seriously though if you want me to call him I will. He's actually been asking to talk to you lately but I've been telling him that you need a break away from everything for now."

He looks down as we stand in line, waiting for our turn to order. "He doesn't know that you lost your memory. Neither do Kevin, and Joe." 

"Wait, Lea says that the paps don't know either, no one knows?" 

He  nods, "No one but your parents, Lea, Chris, Darren, and I. And the doctors and nurses of course. We can't have this getting out Sara." Nick says to me. 

I'm about to respond when the lady behind the register gets our attention. "You guys ready to order or..?" 

We look at her and Nick smiles. "Yea, I'll take your 'CC Cloud' Sundae." He looks at me and I laugh at his choice. I look at the menu. 

"The "The Brownie Eskimo Kiss' Please." He pays and we take our Ice-Cream when it's made to a booth in the back. I look at his blue and white swirled sundae, "What is that anyway? The 'CC Cloud? What kind of name is that?" I snicker. 

He looks at me. "Hey! Don't judge. I love cotton candy." He says shrugging. "And really? The 'Brownie Eskimo Kiss'? If you wanted an eskimo kiss, all you had to do was ask." He says, winking at me. 

I giggle, "Shut up." My cheeks on fire, I'm sure. 

His smile slowly disappears as he looks at me. "Lea said you saw something at Wal-Mart? Something that involved us?" I scowl.

The last four years. (A Nick Jonas Love story) ♥Where stories live. Discover now