Dunna Dunna Snapeman!JK it's Laven*cough whore cough*Brown

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{When I titled this the title was random and reminded me of Secert_Ninjas amazing books about Willow! Fan her and read her books about Willow!}

Lavender's P.O.V.

It was 12:30 when MY RON and that mudblood walked through the door. I sat in the arm chair watching them come in. Ron and mudblood exchanged good nights. Mudblood walked up the stairs and as Ron was about to leave I called out his name. "Ron", I said very flirty. Ron turns towards me and I run at full speed and kiss him. He kisses back almost immediately. I smirk and know I have won this battle. That mudblood just lost her man. =)

Ron's P.O.V.

Lavender Brown kisses me. It was amazing. I kiss her back almost immediately. I can have two girls right. Draco is going to just have to watch me with Hermione and Lavender.

Draco's P.O.V.

I ran until i could run no more. My life is shattered. I want to die. I need to write to mother but I am too shaken to even hold the quill. Why not me? Why did she choose Ron? I need to see my godfather. He has all the answers. But he isn't here. I need Hermione. I need her.

Hermione's P.O.V.

I'm so confused I can't even sleep. My head hurts. I feel like everytime I think of Draco that there is something in my head telling me no. Almost like I have no control over anything and there is someone who can control my every move. Whatever. We leave for winter break next week. I'll clear my mind in Hawaii.

(The week of school before everyone left for winter break was boring. Everyone was too excited to do lessons so the proffessers just had parties in each class. Ron became the Griffindor Player. He had alot of girls dating him.[All under the Imperio curse except Lavender] Draco felt worse and worse everyday and wanted to die but held himself together barley. He knew he could ask his mother when they left for vacation. Hermione didn't feel complete but kept going on with her "Boyfriend". It was now Friday. All students who were leaving would be going on the train the next morning at 11:00.)

I love that smile but i hate the egoWhere stories live. Discover now