Ron wants what he wants!

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{Author's note! This chapter is dedicated to arty_writes. Fan her and read her books. They are really good :)}

Third person's P.O.V

Ron bitterly watched Hermione and Draco hugging. He felt sharp jabs in his heart. He wanted Hermione and he was going to have her no matter what. Ron took out his wand as Draco and Hermione broke apart. Ron held his wand a said "Stupefy!" Draco fell to the ground with a loud thud. Hermione looked around wand raised but Ron said "Stupefy" and she feel onto the ground next to Draco. 'Incarcerous" Ron said and they were both bound with ropes. Ron took Hermione and took the Stupefy spell off of her. She looked up at Ron and didn't understand what was going on. Ron looked at her wand raised and put the imperio curse on her. He told her that they were dating and that Draco was a horrible bully trying to break them up and that she needs to hate him and avoid him at all costs. Hermione under the spell believed Ron, and looked at Draco in pure disgust. Ron unbound Hermione and unbound Draco but left him stupefied. He levitated Draco to the hospital wing and told Madame Pompfrey that Draco had been on the Quidditch fields harassing Hermione and that Ron had studepfied him. Madame Pompey believed him.

Madame Pompfrey took the spell off of Draco and gave him detention for a month. Draco was confused and wanted to see Hermione. Draco ran out of the hospital wing and saw Ron and Hermione kissing right in the middle of the Great Hall. It broke his heart.

Hermione's P.O.V.

Something doesn't feel right about kissing Ron. He is my boyfriend right? I feel like someone is missing. Ron saved me from Draco but just thinking of Draco makes me feel sad. What is it that is missing? Right now I am kissing Ron but I can feel someone watching us. I open my eyes only to see a blonde boy with tears in his eyes. Those tears make me want to run over and comfort him. It is Draco. He is my enemy. Why do I want to comfort him so much? He was trying to harass me in the Quidditch fields or at least that is what Ron told me because I don't remember anything. Ron slowly stopped kissing me and looked to where I was looking only to see nothing. Draco had run while I was deep in thought.

Draco's P.O.V.

 I can't take this I need to run. Seeing Hermione kissing Weasel makes my heart break. The last thing I remember was hugging Hermione and her remembering everything. Then it all went black. I need to clear my mind again. How is it that Ron has my Hermione kissing him. Before I ran I saw Hermione's sad eyes then they became hard angry pits. She doesn't remember.

Lavender's P.O.V

I saw Hermione and MY RON kissing. This is not acceptable. I am a half blood and Hermione is a mudblood. So therefore I deserve him more that her. We go by blood status. That mudblood is going down!

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