Chapter 11

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Roxanne wakes up to the sun coming into the window, hitting her naked backside...That, and, when she feels a hand go up her back...Then, Michael leans in and kisses her cheek. Her eyes peel open. She turns her head towards him...His freshly damp body presses against hers...He just steps out of the shower.

"Good Morning." Michael sits up.

"Good Morning." Roxanne yawns while doing so.

Roxanne takes a shower and brushes her teeth...Michael is now fully dress sitting on the bed. Roxanne comes into the room...The towel tucked neatly, so nothing is showing. Michael bites his lip, as staring at her...She quickly slips to a matching bra and panty set.

"We have a few days before the next concert starts..." Michael starts.

"Yeah, I know. Your point?" She asks.

Michael forms a cheeky grin... "Well, I wanted to meet your parents."

Roxanne is stunned. It takes her awhile to answer.

"Well...?" He asks, waiting on an answer.

"Michael, I told you about my parents."

"I'm talking about your adoptive parents."

This is news to Roxanne. She hasn't seen, or spoken to her adoptive parents in years...It's not that they were mean to her. Matter of fact, they were the opposite. Instead of expecting a cheerful expression, Michael gets a rather saddened reaction from Roxanne. She walks away...

"I don't think that will be a good idea."

"Why not?" Michael is shocked.

"You don't understand, okay? My parents, they're...They're strict. They never approved of me being a guitarist, my tattoos, nothing."

"But, that never stopped them from loving you."

When he places his hand on her shoulder, she has no choice but to look over at him...Suddenly, her resentment to her distant parents fade away....

"Okay. I'll go." She mumbles softly.

***Sacramento, CA***

The plane lands in the vast, and breezy states Capital of California. Sacramento. Immediately, the couple hop onto the limo that is scheduled to pick them up and, they're on their way. As driving through the secondary and vineyard areas of her hometown, Roxanne begins to feel very overwhelmed. She grips her clammy hands together, trying her best to calm down...Michael looks over and sees her dismay. He grabs her hand. He's not at all worried about the sweatiness.

"It will be okay. Trust me." He softly kisses her cheek.

After another twenty minutes in the limo, they finally arrive to the two-story, Spanish style developed home...It has a huge car port, and spacious front yard. Michael and Roxanne slide out of the car. The smell of a freshly mowed lawn hits their nose. Roxanne can't help but to giggle...Earl, her father, always makes sure the lawn is in tip top shape. They walk up the steps, leading to the front door...Roxanne knocks firmly three times...Her tense shoulders finally relax after the last knock...

She hears some rumbling on the inside of the house...She briefly looks over to Michael before the door finally opens. There, her father stood. His shirt heavy with perspiration.

"Dad...Hi." Roxanne's eyes glow.

"Oh, Roxanne..."

Her dad becomes so overwhelmed with emotion, he immediately pulls his daughter in his arms, and hugs her. They squeeze one another extremely tight, and even find themselves crying. He finally brings himself to look into her eyes.

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