Chapter 1

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So this is my second book so sorry if it not to good and I am also in the works with my other book this book will be posted Monday's and Friday's so keep a look out for the new chapters. Oh and Scarlets wolf is right up there click the picture to see it the wolves name is hazel "obviously" lmao to lazy to come up with a better name. Anywho on with the story I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment on how I can better it.

Scars POV

" just leave papa I don't want you here you make me furious just go I'm better of without you."

" you were always headstrong like your mother but you'll never have her intelligence"

His laugh was so evil like the birth of the devils child. ( sorry I had to lolz )

" yea I probably got your stupidity" I muttered to him laughing under my breath.

" you stupid child."

" hun we already addressed that so if you can say something new maybe that will prove that your not as stupid as I think you are."

I said pushing  his chest making him stumble back.

" if you wanted a fight that's all you should have said.."

With that he threw a punch at me I dodge it quickly and swept him from under his feet.

He hit his head hard on the floor making him go dizzy.

I sat on him and started punching his face so hard my hands were bleeding.

While getting of him I sneered at him at whispered to his face

" the sad thing is I'm a girl your own daughter and your the alpha yet you can't beat me in a simple fight"

I scoffed thinking about how weak my father was.

" you truly are the worst father anyone could ask for you let mama die all because you were a coward and couldn't fight."

" you broke her legacy her power , her name made people fear and cower into corners. But you , you are just a waste we used to be legends now all we do it lead a pack and steal!"

He coughed up blood interrupting me.

" scar scarlet my strongest child yes our family is still powerful but you are banished from the black river pack and never to return you have disowned your alpha and there for are to be gone by tonight. Now leave." My father said although his voice was groggy.

" no you don't have the pleasure of kicking me out. I wanted to leave any way I'd be better off as a rouge she wolf and heir to the alpha rouge she wolf now those are rare."

" you see I still hold power dad and you are a disgrace you have turned into rubble."

And with that I pushed him back down spat in his face and injected him with wolf bane.

" good bye father until we meet again."

I smirked I love being in power I was always smart and strong I took after my mom.

Father was always weak and he was left to lead the black river pack.

He made them weak he was an beta married to an alpha but he was weak.

I never have the intention to be such a badass it comes naturally.

I only wish to kill my father for he isn't my real father but only I know that he abused me when I was 14 in ways you can't imagine , now I want me revenge.

But only in a fair fight a fight he may win or lose but I intended to show him what he really is when he dies.....

So what did you think yasss or nah let me know. And scarlet is a good person but around her dad she is the worst she can be just saying she has two different sides. And sorry for a short chapter next chapter will me longer I promise k mkay little Freckles I'll keep you up dated 👋..

- white wolf-

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