8 - Slush, Slut and Slug

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It wasn’t until we were almost home did I turn to Sawyer and mention the date I had somehow planned with Jamie. He smiled as he began speaking but was almost half heatedly. “I wouldn’t of put you as the dating type, I mean if I’d asked I’m sure you’d of sent me packing.” He joked. 

There was something about the way he said that seemed as if he was trying to put a discrete message across, although it wasn’t the only thing on my mind. I was thinking about how all the ways this could possibly go wrong, how he would eventually find out he was dating a towns freak. “I don’t think it will even happen you know. He’ll most likely call it off.” 

Sawyers eye’s never left the road but a frown formed upon his face, before he quickly sent a reassuring smile her way. “Jamie would never let a pretty girl like yourself down. Jamie is like a lost puppy and if he stands you up well clearly he’s an idiot. I mean a beautiful mysterious girl, every boys dream.” 

It was the nicest compliment everyone had ever given her, of course apart from her family, then again her mother was somewhat obliged to be nice and give her comments, she was always delicate around me trying never to say anything that would upset me at first, over the years she’s lightened up. 

“Can you stop the car? I would like to walk.” I said quickly, causing a startle. 

“We’re barely a few minutes away and it’s getting late, it’s no problem, besides I’m driving that way anyway.”  

“I want to walk Sawyer, please?” I protested, looking out in the window seeing the dark rain clouds forming over the small town, the sky darkening as it was growing late as he said but I was uncomfortable with how my feelings were beginning to progress towards Sawyer, and to hear those compliments only made things feel far more awkward in such a small pass with him. 

“Be careful, and if you need me I’m a call away.” He smiled as I got out of the car but it was a whole hearted smile it was an attempt and I appreciated it but without a goodbye or a response I closed the door and began my walk. 

The night air was cold, but then most nights here were cold, the roads and pavements were pretty clear but the eerily feeling never seemed to stop when I was alone on the streets. There was always something that made me uncomfortable walking the streets on my own. Part of me regretted not just simply staying quiet for the rest of the car journey but I couldn’t. No one had ever made such an attempt to get close to me like Sawyer has and now, he’s introducing me to friends and I’m agreeing to date with a boy I have barely known. Things seem to be looking up for myself but I doubt it would last. 

My thoughts seemed to continuously wander as I grew nearer my house where I saw my mother standing outside leaning against her car. Clearly Sawyer had decided to inform my mother that I was walking. 

“Willow, have you and Sawyer fall out, he pulled up a few minutes ago, told me you wanted to walk, but that was all he had time to tell me, said something about a party. Him that Amy girl are getting awfully close don’t you agree? I wouldn’t blame her for taking an interest in such a sweet boy like Sawyer. How was your day though?” 

“No, I just wanted to walk, and it was fine, I talked to some people and yeah Sawyer and her would be great, can we go inside now please?” 

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