Licking Adam

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EnderPearls : whos on top? how did you meet? is jason single? *blushblush*

Sky : I'm on top, because I'm the male of the relationship.

Ty : *crosses arms*

Ty : Um, we met over RuneScape. After a while I suggested TC, we made it a thing then got the house, and during one of my visits Sky asked me out <3

Sky : I believe Jason is dating Tyler aka MunchingBrotato at the moment.

Ty : Yeah he is. Sorry dood. :(

wolfysmile : Sky: word association; Gold, slimy rocks (emeralds), octopus, carpet Also. Shades or double eye patches? Ty: Lick your most favourite thing in the entire universe. (Don't ask why) Also. Headphones or giant ear piercings? Author: Where are you? What is.your least favourite pairing?


Ty : *leans over and licks Adam* Definitely headphones. I don't like piercings...

Me : your making me break the fourth wall?!?! *loud sigh* That's a stalky question, and I really don't have a least fav pairing. I suppose I would have to say any straight couple aside from Clara/11 and Rose/10 from Doctor Who :3

skyloxmeromelover123 asks : I dear Ty to dress in a maid outfit and serve sky for a week do it pleas

Sky : ....:3

Ty : *really long sigh! leaves! returns in black and white frilly maids outfit. Sits down heavily*

Sky : I think you look ni-

Ty : Shut up.

Sky : Okay, I want a milkshake.

Ty : *loud sigh, gets up, gets milkshake then sits back down.

Sky : *slurps annoyingly*

CryForDaPieSkyLox Asks : I dare Sky and Ty to do "it" CX

Sky : ... O.o

Ty : Uhhh.....yeah.....where....?

Me : Closet. Now. Fans request.

*Ty & Sky In Closet, Moaning*

*both come out rather sweaty and sit back down.*

Me : That was majestic you two.

xTCAmiaMCx : Who teases more and why?

Ty : Sky does, I suppose.

Sky : it's because I'm the male of the relationship.

Ty : *looks offended*

EnderDragonRAWR asks : Um........What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in public?

Ty : um...I called him Adam-mepoo once. Don't ask.

Sky : Yesh, the girls loved you Ty.

Ask SkyLox!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin