Magnus looked deeply at the necklace before Clary spoke again "now it's your turn to pay up"

"I wish I could but I no longer have your memories" Magnus said avoiding her eyes

"What? Where are they?" Clary asked frantically

"I fed them to a demon for safe keeping" Magnus said like it was no big deal

"Why the hell would you do that?" Jace asked through gritted teeth

"To protect Clary and the cup" Magnus started to talk about valentine torturing dot at this clary looked at him

"Tortured? Is she ok?" Clary asked

"You don't know? Dot is dead" Magnus looked at the red head in pity as he realized she really didn't know

"What? How do you know?" She asked

"I can't feel the magic anymore, come with me and Afina Clary my shelter can keep you safer then any shadowhunter could" Magnus threw a look at Jace and he rolled his eyes

"You say that but again Afina is a shadowhunter" Magnus ignored this as Clary pulled her arm away from Magnus

"No, I'm not going any where with you" she said and Afina butted in

"It's not like he's trying to kidnap you Clary" Afina rolled her eyes

"Ya and how do you trust him?" She asked glaring at Afina

"I'm not sure I just do" Afina sighed Clary turned back to Magnus

"Help me get my memories back from that demon" Magnus looked at her irritated before turning around and making a portal he held out his hand toward Afina first and helped her through then held his hand out for Clary

"Come with me" Clary looked back at Jace who shook his head earning an eye roll from Magnus "his sister trusts me enough she's already safe and sound, I won't offer again"

"No" clary was about to continue when there was a shout then an arrow flew killing a guy behind Magnus

Alec went up to the guy he killed then looked around the area Magnus quickly turned back to his portal before Clary tried to stop him

Magnus went through the portal leaving Clary with a button

Magnus entered his house with Afina hiding on the other side Magnus walked close to her "what's happening?"

"Valentines men" she said and then a man came in and Magnus moved a book shelf trying to stop him the two men started circling each other with Magnus keeping Afina away from him

The man was about to lunge at Magnus when an arrow shot his leg and Magnus finished him off before turning around quickly asking if Afina was alright then he turned his attention to Alec

"Well done" Alec said

"More like medium rare I'm Magnus I don't think we've been formally introduced" Magnus said walking up to Alec and Afina smirked at the way her brother was looking at him

Soon enough the trio went to join the rest of the group Afina in the middle of both men

Magnus walked around tending to his people as did everyone else after Afina saw that everything was taken care of she went over to the window hoping to see a certain hotel

Afina couldn't stop thinking about the vampire ever sense he let her go suddenly Afina's phone started to vibrate and she looked down at the screen to see Simons name

"Hey what's up?" She asked

"Is Clary with you? Is she safe?" He asked and Afina sighed

"Yes she's fine are you alright Simon?" She asked hearing the uneasiness in his voice

"Ya I'm fine, I should I should really go bye" Afina went to reply when her phone beeped indicating that Simon ended the call

Afina sighed before looking around to see everyone waiting for Clary to finish her drawing

After she finished everyone gathered around at one of the corners holding each other's hand

"No matter what happens don't let go of each other's hand" everyone started holding hands Afina held onto Magnus and Izzys hand before Magnus started saying the spell "the demon demands payment"

"What does it want?" Alec asked

"It wants a memory of the one we love the most" Magnus says and Afina goes first

Afina looks into the mist as a picture of Izzy shows up but quickly changes into a memory of when she kissed Raphael on the cheek

Afina looked into the picture confused as to why the demon thought Raphael was the one she loved the most

By the time she stopped thinking about it the demon had already gotten to Alec who's memory was jace but then Alec refused to believe what was happening and broke the bond sending everyone flying back

Jace shoved Alec which sucked him into the demons portal and everyone grabbed onto him trying to get him out before Clary killed the demon and Jace fell on the floor looking dead

Afina scooted back away from him and took deep breaths confused about everything that had just happened.

When Jace suddenly gasped awake, sighs of relief filled the room and Clary looked over at Afina who nodded gratefully at her

Afina then stood up walking over to Izzy "let's go home" Afina said wrapping her arm around Izzys arm and then everyone went back to the institute either confused or angry mostly confused

But Afina took a walk thinking about Raphael and how she wanted to see him again. Afina had her destination in mind and showed up in no time but when she looked around she caught sight of Simon "Simon?!"

Simon turned around quickly "Afina?! What are you doing here?" He asked

"I could ask you the same thing" before there argument could go any further a voice interrupted them

"What are either of you doing here?"


So Raphael is the person Afina loves the most comment what you think about that.

In my veins »/Raphael Santiago\«Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora