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Hey guys this is my very first ever book on wattpad.....hope u like it

Not edited...don't judge




I rolled over in my small bed...not wanting to get up and face another day...I stared at the cieling wishing I could just be gone.

"Kallie get your fat as up and make us breakfeast!!! Now you pathetic bitch!" scremed the soon to be alpha.

Kyden Knight,17 soon to be alpha..tall dark brown hair with golden highlights...and dark green eyes. A total jackass...treats me like their own personal slave....they all do. The whole pack i mean.

Now there's me...not exactly tall at only 5"2" long jet black hair that is jagged along the edges because last week some of the pack decided to give me a haurcut.Piercing blue eyes, probably my ownly good feature. I was the only human in this pack. No one knows why, but some think that the werewolf gene just did not pass down to me, which was incredibly rare.

In fact never seen before. My brother Ben, is a werewolf, soon to be beta, thinks that I was just a mistake, an anomoly. Never to have been born. A beating post to use wenever they felt like it. I didn't have much to look foward to each day...I hope that if I ever found a mate...he would accept me for who I was...I hoped to god...

Realizing that i had stayed in bed for an extra five minutes, I quickly jumped out of my "bed", if you consider a lump of wood with two thin sheets on it a bed, and hurrying over to my beat up dresser that held the little cloths I had, which was next to mothing. The pack sayed i was so worthless i had no need for any worth while cloths. So i was stuck with old sweatpants, and baggy sweatshirts.I threw on one of the raggedy old sweatpants along with a baggy sweatshirt, putting up my long hair into a bun as i walked out the door.

I then spent the next two hours cooking over a hot stove, making over four douzen pancakes, pound or to of bacon and toast along with biscuits and gravy. The pack was pretty big, and they deemed it my job to be their cook. I had juat finished setting the table when the alpha came through with Marsha, the pack slut. I bowed my head in respect, to my "Alpha".

"Well looky what we have here, the little pathetic human bitch...." said Marsha

She stalked up to where I was standing...and she hit me...with all her werewolf strength. The force threw me backwards, sending me crashing to the ground,along with a stack of china.

I felt the china dig into my skin, watched as the floor turned red with the seeping of my blood. I help up my hand covered with gashes lacing my arm with rivlets of blood.

"Now look wat you did, you clumsy pathetic human." she yelled she reached down and pulled me up and pushed me into the kitchen. She then went up the stairs.

"Clean it up right now!!Bedore the others come down."

I reached into the cubbard and pulled of a rag. I walked over to the mess and started picking up the pieces that had fallen. My whole body was covered in my blood as I mopped the floor.

I held my arm tight as I finished mopping, I felt dizzness overco.e me... I saw black spots cover my vision...I felt my body tip backwards. And right when I thought I would hit the ground, I felt an arm snake around my waist. I looked up and I saw Kyden.

The moment our eyes connected I felt a rush of heat. I may of not had a wolf but I have seen it bappen many times before. I Kallie Rodes, the only human in the pack...was the futre Luna to the Bloodmoon pack....and mate to KydenKnight.

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