Clumsy (Stiles)

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Today was December 18, 2016. Stiles and I were decorating his house with Christmas decorations. We were trying to hang up the Christmas lights around his house, but Stiles being the clumsy teenage boy he is, tripped on the lights.
I laughed at the sight of my boyfriend sprawled on the floor.
"You're so clumsy" I said, while laughing.
Stiles got up and he was tangled in the lights and he tried to get out of them, but then again he fell.
This time I laughed even harder.
He groaned, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up."
"Ooh I'm so scared"
I was hanging up some ornaments on the Christmas tree. I looked at the tree and made sure the colors were in order, then I hung some candy canes on the tree(I'll probably eat those later, but don't tell anyone).

As I was observing the tree, Stiles came up behind me and started wrapping me in the Christmas lights.

"Stiles, what the f--" I didn't get to finish as he put a piece of Christmas themed tape on my mouth. I rolled my eyes. I was in the Argent family, so I was trained to get myself free whenever I was tied up.
When Stiles wasn't looking, I moved my hands slowly behind me, as the little lights scratched my arms. I found the end of the lights and started detangling the lights from my body. When I got out of it, Stiles had his back faced towards me, so he didn't notice me detangling myself and taking the tape off my mouth.
As I was free from the Christmas decorations, I ran up behind Stiles and jumped on his back. He screamed. Not in a manly way, may I add. He thrashed around as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, then I started tickling him. We ended up in the floor with me on top of him.
"THAT TEACHES YOU FOR TYING ME UP WITH CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!" I shouted, as he laughed and tried to get me off him.
"Okay, okay I'm sorry" Stiles said in between breaths as I tickled him.
I let go of him, and he was surprisingly quick enough to grab ahold of me and slam me on the floor, but not too hard. He was on top of me and we were both grinning at each other.
We were looking into each other's eyes, and he started coming closer to me, and finally our lips touched. I still felt sparks and butterflies after 3 years of dating. I smiled into the kiss, and we rested our foreheads on each other's.
"I love you" I said, smiling.
Stiles smiled back at me, "I love you too".
The TV was playing Elf, and Stiles and I were tired after our tickle fight, so we lied on the floor with me head resting on his chest, while he played with my hair.
However, we forgot about the mess we left and Papa Stilinski
was supposed to come home tonight after work.
While we were lying down, he came into the living room and saw the mess.

Stiles and I were half asleep when his dad said, "I don't even want to know".
His dad came over to us and put a blanket over us, while he tried to hide his massive smile. He turned off the tv, and he went upstairs.


Okay! First Christmas imagine for 2016!! Hopefully you liked it! My heart was literally melting because I thought this was really cute, and I hope you did too! I love you all!💕


Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now