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Melchiorre spins me into his arms and grins down at me wolfishly. I narrow my eyes and try to put a little distance between us. "Behave," I mutter under my breath.

He lets out a belly laugh and squeezes me. "Never," he declares, quickly moving into the dance. We twirl slowly around the room, awkwardly, as I try to memorize the steps he shows me, his hand traveling lower down my back all the while. I flawlessly reach back and move his hand back up and glare, never missing a step. He chuckles and twirls me once more before dropping me into a graceful dip. He leaves me hanging there for a moment and I can't tell if he's going to drop me or try something funny. I look at him, a snide remark on the tip of my tongue, but notice he isn't even looking at me. I follow his eyes and find myself looking at Chezem on the other side of the room, upside down. He looks just a regal from this angle.

Melchiorre lets out a soft sigh and slowly pulls me upright. He takes a step back and lifts my hand to his lips for a kiss. "And that is all," he says.

I nod my head and retract my hand from his. "Okay," I say, turning to the room. "I think I've got it."

"Are you sure?" Nagit asks, lifting an eyebrow. "You only practiced once."

I shrug. "Like Asaka said - I'm a fast learner. So...who wants to practice first?" I look between the princes and they all avoid eye contact. Clearly I'm going to have to be the villain in this case. I blow out a sigh and open my mouth to randomly pick a prince when Melchiorre suddenly takes my hand.

"Chezem needs the most work, I think," he says, practically dragging me across the room. I see Chezem stand a little straighter and his cheeks color slightly. It's kind of endearing to see, and I try not to smile. Then I'm being shoved into Chezem, and he quickly reaches up to catch me. His hand glides over my side and I stiffen slightly. He quickly drops his hand, and we both take a step back.

"Well? Where is all that fire?" Melchiorre asks slyly. I know he's challenging me, but I'm not sure this is one I want to pick up. It's a whole other ballgame playing with princes.

He has to learn the dance sooner or later, I reason with myself. I blow out a sigh and force a smile. "Come on," I say. "It won't be that bad. I'll go easy on you." I tried to force a smile, but I'm pretty sure it looked more like a grimace. I hold out my hand to him and he just stare at it for a long moment. I hear one of the princes cough and that seems to give Chezem a start, and he takes my hand finally.

He doesn't move after that and so I realize I have to take the initiative here. I take a step closer to him and bring his arm up, catching his other arm at the wrist and bringing it to my waist. He seems very stiff and he won't meet my eyes, but I notice I am staring at his chin, so I can't really blame him. "Now what?" he asks, and his voice is gruffer than usual.

I peek up at him. "Now," I say. "You follow my lead."

I slowly ease him through the steps, getting my toes stomped on a time or two, but I don't mind. He isn't all that bad in actuality. We finish the routine and he starts to move away from me, but I catch his arm. He looks down at my hand and frowns. "What?"

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask. "We're not finished here. Let's run it again."

He shifts uncomfortably. "Everyone is staring," he says and I realize that he's right. Everyone looks surprised at the two of us. It doesn't bother me as much as it should. I just shake my head and smile.

"Let them," I say, dragging him back, just a little closer than before. "Let's run it again."

He swallows hard, his golden eyes flicking over my face rapidly. I don't hear a sound coming from the other princes as we begin the dance number again. It is much smoother and his hands have a firm grip on me. We twirl around the room together, a few missteps here and there, but we make it out unscathed. We end up in the middle of the floor, chest to chest. My heart is beating fast and we are standing so close together I am almost positive Chezem can feel it. His golden eyes are locked on mine, confusion swirling in them. He lifts his hand hesitantly and rests it against the side of my neck, his thumb brushing my cheek. The tension in the air is thick, and it feels hard to breathe.

How is it possible that I just met this man today?

"Well, are you going to kiss her or not?" The words slice right through the tension, and I blink, jerking away from Chezem like I've been slapped. He blinks slowly, as if coming out of a fog. My eyes find Asaka in the crowed and she can see that I'm going into full-blown panic mode. I see her take a step forward, her hand half raising as if to grab me and stop me from doing whatever crazy thing is about to happen.

I whirl away from Chezem and swallow hard. "Lina?" His voice fills my head and makes my heart jump. Suddenly I feel his hand on my shoulder and that is the tipping point. I slap his hand off of me and move away rapidly.

"Don't," I say weakly.

"Lina..." Asaka says, moving toward us. "Honey, just relax. It's okay."

I move away from her, my heart beating painfully hard in my chest. This can't be happening. Not now. An image flashes in my head, a dark alley late at night, a man following me home. I close my eyes and clench my hands into fists. I can practically feel the cold, wet cement on my back; can feel his weight pressing down on me, his hand over my mouth to silence my screams.

Tears threaten to leak out, and I turn, fleeing from the room. I don't care how it might look. I can't have a meltdown in front of a bunch of princes and I especially cannot have a meltdown in front of Chezem. I don't really know where I'm going, but I manage to find my way back to the library. I throw myself down into one of the plush chairs and curl my arms around myself, trying to control my breathing. I don't want the memories. I don't want the flashbacks and the nightmares, and I don't want to be afraid every time someone touches me.

I don't know how long I sit there, curled up in the chair, shaking, but eventually I fall asleep. When I come to, I'm still in the chair, but there is a thin blanket thrown over me and I sleepily wonder who put it there. I rub my eyes and wrap it tighter around me, standing. I should probably try to find my room. I stretch and glance to my left and balk. In the chair next to me is Prince Chezem, curled up just as I was, his glasses lying on the table beside him. I stand there, staring at him with the moonlight filtering through the window. He looks so peaceful, if a little uncomfortable. I wonder if I should wake him up or leave him be and try to find my room on my own.

I walk toward the door but pause, glancing back at him. He will be awfully sore in the morning, sleeping in the chair like that. I sigh and push my red hair off my face, moving back toward him. I hesitate before gently touching his shoulder. "Chezem?" I whisper into the dark. He doesn't stir and I make a face. "Chezem?" I try again, giving him a little shake.

He snaps awake faster than I expected, standing quickly, his hand flying out and grabbing my wrist, pushing me back with his closeness. I blink, the blanket falling from my shoulders. "Lina?" he asks, quickly dropping my wrist and taking a step back. His voice is husky from sleep.

"I...I just thought you might want to sleep in your bed..." I say awkwardly. "And I don't know my way to my room..."

"Ah." Chezem rubs the back of his neck. "I'll show you," he says, cocking his head to one side, a small smile curling his lips upward.

Uncharted - A My Sweet Prince Novel (2)Where stories live. Discover now