1- What A Dick

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   Mark wakes up at 5:00am with a headache. He gets up and throws on some jeans and a flannel. Going into the kitchen, Mark takes an Advil and grabs his keys. Mark looks in the mirror, fixes his hair and starts heading to the car. As he drives, he thinks of all the possibilities of who this "Jack" could be. He could be a heavily bearded man, almost like a lumberjack, or maybe a scrawny little nerd who will be a know-it-all. Who knows?
   Mark parks his car and walks in. "Welcome Mark, Felix is in his office." The lady at the front desk says politely. "Thanks, ma'am. Say, what's your name gorgeous?" Mark response in his "playboy" like persona. "O-oh, I'm Amy." Amy responds, flustered by being called "gorgeous". Mark smiles and walks on. He knocks on the door to Felix's office. "Come in Mark" A muffled voice answers. Mark walks in and is greeted by his boss Felix and three men. "And these are?" Mark asks in a rude tone. "Don't be an idiot Mark, this is Ken, Evan-" Felix points at two men in suits then points at the youngest of the three. He looks up as his green hair bounces. He fixes his beanie as he's introduced. "And this is Jack, your new partner in crime." Felix continues. Mark studies the boy from head to toe, noticing every feature. "This kid?" Mark asks. "I'm twenty-seven ye prick." Jack responds spontaneously. "Mark don't be so rude! Jack, you are the new one here, please show some respect." Felix states. Mark looks away and mumbles "What a dick".
   "Mark, Jack, please don't argue, you must get along to work together, after all you are working undercover this time." Felix says breaking up the tension. "What's the job sir?" Jack asks Felix politely. "Well, you see..."

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