Part 4| The party

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Jumin's eyes widen as he looks at you with blushes down his face to neck. He was spaced out with his hand covering his mouth. Then he looks down noticing his 6 inch dick moving. He quickly got up and excused his self, as you stand there wondering "hm? thats strange I've never seen him react like this before" you peeked out of the room to look where he had gone. The assistant (still holding the back of your dress) asks you if you would like to show him, you nodded. Then you went after him, "Jumin! Jumin Han where did you go?" you say while looking for him. "there he is!" you found Jumin, He had his head down with his arm out towards a column,"oh my god I've seen a goddess"He said.

"Jumin! there you are~" as you ran towards him. "Jumin with his blushed face looked up to you and grabbed your hand and walked over the cashier and paid quickly then went to the car. "J-Jumin w-wait- w-whats happening-" "get in the car y/n" he said with a cute straight-blushed face. You and Jumin get into the car and head to the party, "oh it's almost 7" you said as he turned his head towards you at the red light and kissed your cheek, you were flustered and blushing. "I couldn't help it y/n, you were beautiful" his words were very touching to you and you smiled at him. He then continued to drive and arrived at the party at last.

Jumin pulls you out of the car gently and holds your hand as you two walked into the banquet hall, people start making way as you two enter. "Jumin Han!" "oh my look at him" "smh u lil fk" "He is always so handsome!" "Over here Jumin!" "wait who is the women beside him?" "who is she?" "I heard she replaced assistant kang for today" "she can't possibly Jumin's girlfriend"

Jumin sits you down and heads up to the stage for a speech. While everyone has their eyes on you. You look around and notice how fancy this banquet hall was, then you see 4 people that look odly suspicious and you squint your eyes, "is that Zen? Luciel? Yoosung?! SAERAN?!-" you said, as Jumin called your name. "h-huh m-me?"you said since you didn't pay attention to what he said and was focused on the 4 guys. You come up with your dress to Jumin, Jumin gently grips you arm and spoke with a blushed face.

"Everyone I would like you to meet y/n, my girlfriend."


"Everyone please calm down" Jumin said as he held your hand.

"EEK!! MY PRINCESS!!" Zen cried out loud, "Does that mean Jumin won't need elizabeth now?" Luciel wondered, "Congrats! can I play LOLOL?" Yoosung said, "Why am I even here?" Saeran said was he tried to walk away but Luciel pulled him back. You were in shock. "Is this even happening?!" you asked yourself. "It is" as you let out a smile towards Jumin. "Let's runaway y/n" he smiles as he grabs your hand and runs out of the banquet hall. "C'MON BOYS LETS FOLLOW THEM!" Zen said as he dragged them. "Hey y/n," "Yes Jumin?" "I asked Kang not to come today so that I can do this." "Really!" "Yes".

You both smile and hug each other. "You know Jumin, I really liked you from the start." "And you know what y/n, that's why I will be marrying you" Jumin said as you and him walk to the beach. "I can't see what he said Zen" Luciel said while looking into the binoculars, "wait," trying to mouth out what Jumin said. "I think he's going to marry y/n" "WHAT!" Zen screamed. "Zen I think it's best to leave them alone" Luciel said as Yoosung and surprisingly Saeran agreed to. Yoosung had his hand wrapped around Zen and Luciel comforts him. "okay losers im going to go now." Saeran walked away.

You and Jumin walk along the beach holding hands.

"Jumin" "Yes?" "I'd like to start a family with you" You smiled. "Then we shall make one" He smiles back. He kneels down on one leg.

"Y/n, I love you so much, Even from the start, you were beautiful"

"Will you marry me?"

You started to tear up as you replied with "Yes!" You both hugged and smiled.

~happy endings~ Jumin x McWhere stories live. Discover now